Amy asked me what books I have been reading and what plan/eating style I am following. The answer is not short so I thought I'd do a post about it ... I read A LOT. The librarian teases me every week because when I come in I empty the reserve shelf ! I always look at the sources that people quote and try to find the books they've quoted from ... and that way, along with recommendations from blogs and friends, I keep myself loaded up with new books to read.
My journey really started when after I saw Dr Oz and Dr Roizen on Oprah a few times and decided to read a couple of their books. I started with You - The Owners Manual. And moved on to You - On A Diet. Two really informative books that changed a lot of my thinking. Really started moving me towards veggies and whole grains. Next, I discovered Dr Fuhrman's book Eat To Live. This book challenged me even more with how many veggies I should be eating and feeding my family. I fall WAY short of his standards, even still ! But I love the info and how much I've learned for his books ... The second book I've read that probably really got me started on this whole unprocessed track is called Disease Proof Your Child. Amazing book but don't read it unless you want your eyes to be opened to how much damage we can do to our kids with the food we feed (or don't feed) them ! Additive Alert is an amazing little resource specifically for Australia. It tells you about every additive/preservative and the possible adverse reactions associated with them. Again ... very eye opening. Scary, actually. Blue Zones is one that I've been dying to read, and still have only read half of it because I could only have it for two weeks and didn't get it finished, for ages. I saw the author on Oprah and it is so interesting. I'll get it out of the library again and finish it. It deals with more than just food ... but is all about the few places in the world that have the most people who live past 100 ! And they are HEALTHY and of SOUND MIND. Amazing. Fascinating. Inspiring.

Nourishing traditions is one that I'm currently reading. Great book ! It is a little different to some others that I have read but I find that a lot of what they say rings true.

I read a lot of blogs about health, raw food, clean eating, veganism, vegetarianism, and blogs that I find who post lots of whole grain / minimal sugar recipes. There are lots of them out there. One of these days I'll have to share my favorites with you.
I am not a vegan ... never could be. I'm not a vegetarian either. I don't care to eat a lot of meat but I do eat some. I'm just not convinced that it is the healthiest thing to eat none. I try to make meat be part of the meal ... not the main focus. And we do eat meat free meals quite regularly too.
This year ... the focus is on eating preservative/additive free. NO sugar. NO white flour. NO refined grains. Really ... that is the plan I am following ... of course, with our few exceptions but you can read all about that here. And see what we had to get rid of here.
How's that Amy ? Answer your question ?? :)
(FYI:The links connected to Dr's names and book names are for their specific websites ... not for the books ... lots of good info on each website ... you should check them out if this sort of stuff interests you!)
My journey really started when after I saw Dr Oz and Dr Roizen on Oprah a few times and decided to read a couple of their books. I started with You - The Owners Manual. And moved on to You - On A Diet. Two really informative books that changed a lot of my thinking. Really started moving me towards veggies and whole grains. Next, I discovered Dr Fuhrman's book Eat To Live. This book challenged me even more with how many veggies I should be eating and feeding my family. I fall WAY short of his standards, even still ! But I love the info and how much I've learned for his books ... The second book I've read that probably really got me started on this whole unprocessed track is called Disease Proof Your Child. Amazing book but don't read it unless you want your eyes to be opened to how much damage we can do to our kids with the food we feed (or don't feed) them ! Additive Alert is an amazing little resource specifically for Australia. It tells you about every additive/preservative and the possible adverse reactions associated with them. Again ... very eye opening. Scary, actually. Blue Zones is one that I've been dying to read, and still have only read half of it because I could only have it for two weeks and didn't get it finished, for ages. I saw the author on Oprah and it is so interesting. I'll get it out of the library again and finish it. It deals with more than just food ... but is all about the few places in the world that have the most people who live past 100 ! And they are HEALTHY and of SOUND MIND. Amazing. Fascinating. Inspiring.

Nourishing traditions is one that I'm currently reading. Great book ! It is a little different to some others that I have read but I find that a lot of what they say rings true.

I read a lot of blogs about health, raw food, clean eating, veganism, vegetarianism, and blogs that I find who post lots of whole grain / minimal sugar recipes. There are lots of them out there. One of these days I'll have to share my favorites with you.
I am not a vegan ... never could be. I'm not a vegetarian either. I don't care to eat a lot of meat but I do eat some. I'm just not convinced that it is the healthiest thing to eat none. I try to make meat be part of the meal ... not the main focus. And we do eat meat free meals quite regularly too.
This year ... the focus is on eating preservative/additive free. NO sugar. NO white flour. NO refined grains. Really ... that is the plan I am following ... of course, with our few exceptions but you can read all about that here. And see what we had to get rid of here.
How's that Amy ? Answer your question ?? :)
(FYI:The links connected to Dr's names and book names are for their specific websites ... not for the books ... lots of good info on each website ... you should check them out if this sort of stuff interests you!)
Two other books you must read. Really, you must. They are The China Diet and Anti-Cancer. These books will also open your mind to things you never thought of before. Tell me what you think.
Hey Bonnie, I'm catching up on lots of your old blog posts. I was just wondering if you've heard of/read Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver. I'm really enjoying that and learning a lot. I think you would probably like it.
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