

My Menu - Bonnie - 20 August 2011

You probably don't know, unless you've been to my house, that until today, my computer was in the guest bedroom. I've been wanting to move it out into the family room for a long time but it just has never happened. Well, today it happened and I'm sooooo excited about it ! As I type, Rory is finishing up the dinner dishes, the kids are watching the footy and I'm out here in the middle of it all instead of tucked away in the back room ! I love that !! The photo above shows my little corner ! The bookshelf is home to all of my cookbooks which was super handy this afternoon when I planned this menu !! I use the cookbooks AND the internet a lot so having them in the same spot is BRILLIANT !

So ...... we ate WAY too much while we were on our 6 week holiday ! We came back feeling like we needed to not eat all all ! Of course, that's not going to happen so we're doing lean proteins and veg for a few weeks .....

Here's what we've planned for this week.

Tonight we had a roast turkey breast,
crispy kale (that we grew in our garden!)
and lemon rosemary carrots.

Lunch ~ leftover turkey,
cauliflower "popcorn" (but I'm going to top it with the spices from spicy potatoes)

Dinner ~Chimichanga Lettuce Wraps
(I'm making the chimichanga meat but rather than wrapping
it in tortillas, we're going to wrap it in lettuce. It's an experiment, we'll see )

Lunch ~ Fuji Chicken Salad

Dinner ~ Chargrilled Salmon with Asparagus in a Lime Vinaigrette

Lunch ~ Grilled Chicken and Salad

Dinner ~ Lemon Thyme Fish
Spanish Garlic Mushrooms

Lunch ~ dinner leftovers

Dinner ~ Spanikopita meatballs (without rice)
Roasted Cauliflower and Broccoli


Lunch ~ dinner leftovers

Dinner ~ Spinach/Quark Gnocchi with Tomato Sauce
(I'm modifying a recipe we've tried before ...substituting the quark for the ricotta
and omitting the flour ...we'll see how it goes ...)

Lunch ~ dinner leftovers

Dinner ~ Chicken Souvlaki (Khrista's recipe)
but without pitas ... I'm going to make it as a salad.

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