

Asparagus Artichoke Salad *EDITED

When the weather turns a bit warmer and the stores start displaying green lovely asparagus I HAVE to make this salad.
The recipe is incredibly simple and was inspired whilst shopping at Whole Foods for a dish to contribute to a family Easter dinner.
While perusing the deli case for something pre-made I glimpsed this delicious looking salad!
I scrutinized it and at $5.99/lb. I knew I could re-create it for far less. So I went about the store collecting all the items I thought might be in the dish. It turned out splendidly and was well received at our family gathering.

Without further adieu...
My Favorite Spring Salad
1 bunch fresh asparagus*
1 pint cherry tomatoes
1-15 oz. can artichoke hearts (packed in water)
1-2 tablespoons olive oil
2 cloves garlic chopped or minced
Salt & Pepper

Wash asparagus and trim ends, then cut to desired size.
Place in large bowl.
Wash and halve cherry tomatoes.
Add to asparagus.
Cut artichoke hearts into desired size and add to bowl.
Heat olive oil in pan and warm the garlic until fragrant and soft.
Drizzle over vegetables and gently toss.
Season with salt & pepper.

*When choosing asparagus, select firm, green spears with tight, crisp tips. I prefer thin asparagus as the thicker ones tend to come from older plants and can be tough.

Printable recipe:
Asparagus Artichoke Salad


  1. This is a beautiful salad! I am not fond of raw asparagus, though, do you think it would be OK to add blanched asparagus? I love thinking about the garlic flavored olive oil as the dressing!

  2. I will blanch or roast mine too Mom ...

  3. Oops...I will have to amend the recipe to add that I blanch the asparagus first! ;)

  4. i am making this again tonight ! funny ... i was already planning to make it and then you reposted it !!

  5. only took me 5 months to amend! ha!


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