

Creamy Ham and Greens

So, last night was a bit of a scrounge around and see what I could find to make for dinner.  I need to go shopping but I'm really not motivated to do it because we have two late sporting nights ... tonight and tomorrow ... and then it's Friday ... and then we have another Christmas party ... and I'm waiting on the $250 food voucher that should be coming today ( it was part of the deal we got when we bought our new fridge last week )  And ... And ... And ... 

What I came up with was ... spanish tortilla ... potatoes baked like for spicy potatoes but without the spicy.

I had some ham in the freezer that needed using, I had silverbeet, rainbow chard and kale in the garden that needed picking, I had a bit of cream leftover from Rory's birthday carbonara and I always have garlic and onion on hand .... 

This is what came of those ingredients.

1.5 cups slivered ham, chopped ( I had a triple smoked one )
3 cups mixed greens, chopped
2 cloves garlic, diced
1/2 a red onion, diced
cream,  (I only had 1/4 of a cup and I think it was plenty !)

Start with a bit of olive oil in the bottom of your pan, add garlic and ham.  I started with the heat pretty hot and then turned it to medium pretty quick.  Once the garlic and ham have started to brown, add onion.  Cook a minute or two more than add the greens.  Cook a minute or two and then add the cream.  Cook a minute or two more ... or until the cream is no longer runny and seems to be coating the other ingredients.  Serve hot.  So yum !!

This served the four of us.

Grandma's Cranberry Fluff

This right here is all my childhood Thanksgivings rolled up in one sweet dish ! It's what I looked forward to every year ! My Grandma's Cranberry Fluff !!

This year I got a text from my Aunt Lissa saying "we have a huge problem ... cranberry fluff is not on the beans blog !" Well, that just can't be ! The world needs cranberry fluff ! Aunt Lissa sent me a photo, and I pinched another one off my Dad's facebook page and I'm about to share the recipe with you !

In the photo above, you see one bowl pre whipped cream and one bowl post whipped cream ! :)

What you need (and do):

2 cups raw groundup cranberries (frozen works best and I've never bought them ground, you have to do that yourself ! I've found a food processor works well for that job.)
3 cups small marshmellows
3/4 cup sugar

Stir those first three ingredients together and chill overnight.

2 cups peeled, diced tart apples (green)
1 cup green grapes (quartered)
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1/4 tsp salt
1 cup whipped cream or cool whip

Add next four ingredients to the chilled cranberry mixture. Right before serving, fold in the whipped cream.

Serves 8-10.

My beautiful Grandma with this years cranberry fluff.


Rory made tempura cod last night. It was delicious ! Following the instructions on the back of the bag, he did it like this ...

4 pieces of cod
125g tempura batter mix
180ml cold water

Whisk the water and batter mix together. Do not over mix (it's ok to have a few lumps). Coat the fish and shallow fry in hot oil until golden brown and fish is cooked through. (ours took about 15 minutes, cooking all four pieces together in the same cast iron fry pan)

We had leftover batter too so Rory chopped up a zucchini and did them as well. They were super yum !

We squeezed fresh lemon juice onto the fish and served with tartar sauce.

Also pictured: Sesame Asparagus and Basil Zucchini Mini Muffins

Basil Zucchini Mini Muffins


I saw these over on Join in the Feast.  Have you been to that website ?  No ?  You should go check it out !  The author is a friend of mine ... a friend I haven't met yet.  I knew her husband way back when we were in highschool and "met" her  on line ... on facebook, I think.  I can't remember, it's been a few years now.

Anyway ... go check it out.  Join in the Feast is on facebook too ... you should LIKE it !

These muffins are so cute and tiny and so very very delicious.  They were a huge hit with the kids ! Here's the recipe ... I'm sharing with Laura's permission.

3/4 c flour
1/2 c wheat flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp fresh-ground pepper
2 Tbsp softened butter
1 Tbsp sugar
1 egg
1/4 c buttermilk
1 & 1/2 c shredded zucchini
1/2 c finely sliced basil leaves

In a small bowl, whisk together the flours, salt, baking soda, baking powder, and pepper.

In a bowl cream together the butter or shortening and the sugar, then beat in the egg and the buttermilk until the mixture is well blended.

Stir in the zucchini and the basil. Add the flour mixture to the zucchini mixture, stir the batter until it is just combined.

Divide batter among 24 well-buttered gem tins (each 1/8 cup).

Bake the muffins in the middle of a preheated 400°F (200°C)oven for 15 to 18 minutes, or until a tester comes out clean, turn the muffins out onto a rack, and let them cool.

My Menu - Bonnie - 21 November 2011

Quickly today ... here's our menu for the week.



Burrito Bowl's on the run ! (we will be out all evening !)



company Christmas party

play it by ear

Best Cheesecake EVER

Cheesecake...sooo yummy, but how to make it come out just right?? This recipe takes time (although almost all of the time is cooking and cooling), but the creamy, yumminess is OH SO worth it!

Step 1: Pound 1 3/4cup graham crackers into crumbs. I use a quart sized zip lock and a cup with a flat bottom.

Step 2: mix crumbs with 1/3 cup butter, melted, and 1/4 cup sugar (I used raw sugar so that's why it looks brown)

Step 3: press crumb mixture into the bottom of a spring form pan...I use the flat bottom glass

Let a little of the crumb mixture go up the side. Don't be a perfectionist with this :-)

Step 4: if you, like I never remember to get the cream cheese out of the fridge in time...soften in the microwave

Step 5: beat 3 - 8oz packages of softened cream cheese and 1 cup of sugar until well blended

Step 6: add 1 cup of sour cream

and 2 tsp (although I usually let a bit more splash in because I love it) of Vanilla and mix well. (this is your last chance to really blend things so don't be sigh about mixing)

Step 7: Add 3 eggs, one at a time, beating on low speed after eacch addition until JUST blended. DO NOT OVER BEAT!

Step 8: Pour into crust. Gently smooth mixture so that the crust is sealed in.

Step 9: Bake in preheated 325 degree oven for dark nonstick springform pan or 350 for silver...for1 hour or until center is almost set...this is key. It will keep cooking so make sure that the middle still jiggles a bit. (it took me a few goes before I really got the hang of how much jiggle was just right)

Step 10: After the baking, turn off the oven and open the door just a tad. Leave the cheesecake in the oven for an additional hour with the oven off.

Step 11: After the addition hour, remove the cheesecake from the oven and let stand for one to two hours (I often make this at night and am in a hurry to get to bed so only let it sit one hour). Chill at least four hours.

Ok - what are you waiting for?? You are going to LOVE this cheesecake...Go...Bake...Enjoy!!

try it on your smart phone ....

Have you tried using the TABLE OF CONTENTS ? If you look just under the header, you will see the following links:

The Table of Contents doesn't seem to work on all computers. I don't know why ... BUT, it seems to work on all smart phones. It's really handy for me as I use my iPhone instead of a printed recipe whenever I can.  So ... why don't you try it ?  See how the Table of Contents works for you and let us know ! 

Also ... if you are searching for a recipe you think you've seen here before but it isn't showing up in the Table of Contents, let me know and I'll fix it ! 

Hope ya'll are having a great day !  It's Wednesday morning, the start of my day off !  Woo Hoo !  Soon I'll take the kids to school and then I'll have 6 hours all to myself !  Yee haw !  

I'm really not a hill billy but I sure sounded like it just then ...


Try out the T. O. C. ! 

Bye, maybe ?

One last thing ... have you seen The Beans Blog is on Facebook ?  Have you "liked" it yet ?

ok ... for real this time ... BYE !

My Menu - Bonnie - 14 November 2011

B - French Toast
L - Leftover Burgers
D - Homemade Sushi

B - the usual (greek yoghurt, blueberries and homemade granola)
L - leftover sushi
D - tapas, mostly from "Jamie does Spain ..." mini meatballs, peppers, chorizo & garlic, baby clams, calamari, salad, pan (bread)

B - the usual
L - salad (and any leftover tapas)

B - the usual
L - salad

B - the usual
L - Black Bean Chili Soup from freezer (if no leftovers)

Friday & Saturday
unplanned ! spontaneous ! we'll see what happens !

Cheesy Prosciutto Chicken and Asparagus

Modified from a recipe in Jamie's Ministry of Food cookbook. (one of my all time favorites !) I don't have any real measurements for this recipe but you don't need them.

4 chicken breasts
pecorino romano cheese block
fresh thyme
fresh ground black pepper
1 lemon
8 slices of prosciutto
olive oil

Score the bottom side of the chicken breasts. Sprinkle with thyme leaves, pepper and lemon zest. Grate cheese on top of that. Put two pieces of prosciutto on top of that. (so, two pieces per breast) Cover with glad wrap (saran wrap) and them bang them with the frying pan to flatten them.  

Heat a bit of oil in a frying pan.  Put chicken in, prosciutto side down.  Cook til chicken is cooked through.  Serve with lemon (that you zested) on the side.

I served this with asparagus and slivered garlic sauteed in olive oil and topped with toasted almonds ! Soooo good.

We had leftovers and I put them in a salad the next day. Amazing.


Ps ... sorry about the photo ! I'm making a lightbox this week so that I can take photos in the poor evening light !!

// My Menu // Khrista - October 31st- November 6th, 2011

Halloween Costume creation consumed most of my time last week, so I am late to planning a menu for this week.
As a result we ate out last night... Chick-fil-A... on Halloween night...there was NOBODY there!
It was really nice! We all ate and then the kids had the playscape all to themselves.
My Love and I actually got to sit in peace and "talk!" We might do that again very soon! :)
It was kind of like a date! ha! ha!

Here's a few links to recipes for this week:
Broiled Salmon with Herb Mustard Glaze
Sweet Potato Enchiladas 
Taco Pizza
Toasted Pita Salad