

Greek Egg Omelets

For each omelet you'll need:

2 eggs

Chopped red onion

Chopped tomatoes

Reduced-fat feta

Beat 2 eggs.

Pour eggs into small skillet.

Cook until stiff enough to flip.


Sprinkle remaining ingredients onto one-half of eggs.

Fold eggs in half.



note from Bonnie ... I tried these tonight and they were delish.
I added black olives ... as you can see in the photo above !

My Menu - Bonnie - 28 September 2011

Trying some new stuff this week ...


Salmon w/Avocado Salsa

Mexican Chicken Lime Soup

BBQ Birthday Dinner for Alia with the neighbors

Family Sushi Birthday Dinner for Alia
I'm going to make this Cinnamon Roll Cake

Zucchini Rolls & Eggplant Cannelloni

Black Bean Chili Soup (out of the freezer)

Greek Egg Omelets


What's on YOUR menu this week ?

Gallo Pinto

This dish is served everywhere in Nicaragua, as a side dish or main dish, often with corn tortillas and boiled or fried plantains. It is part of breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner!

Place vegetable oil on a frying pan and heat for approximately 1 minute. Saute onions until caramelized. Add entire pot of cooked beans and its gravy into the sautéed onions. Stir over low-medium heat for a minute. Add cooked rice to sautéed bean mixture, mix well and simmer for 5 minutes. Add salt to taste. Serve immediately, topped with sour cream if desired.

Variations: Can substitute canned red or black beans, undrained. The recipe I used called for 2T chopped cilantro, added with the salt (but I am not a fan of cilantro, and I don’t remember Liz or Eli using it in Nicaragua). To be authentic don’t skimp on the salt. Other versions of this recipe added chopped red or green pepper and garlic with the onion for more zip.

The name of the dish translates to "speckled rooster," a reference to the look of the dish rather than its contents.

Shepherd's Pie w/Cauli Mash

I didn't use a recipe for this. I'll try and give you measurements where I can but really, they aren't necessary. Also ... I made a huge pan of this because I had a kilo of mince (ground beef) that needed to be used. We are having leftovers of this for dinner tonight !!

1 kg (2.2lb) beef mince (ground beef)
1 can cream of mushroom soup
onion, diced (I had half an onion in the fridge so just used that. You could use more if you wanted ...)
garlic, 3 cloves, finely diced
frozen green beans
cauliflower (I used two heads)
a blob of butter
2 blobs of cream cheese
grated cheese
salt and pepper

Boil the cauliflower.

Run warm water over a few handfuls of green beans in a colander and leave in the sink to 'thaw'.

While that is boiling, brown the meat with the garlic and the onion. Season, not too heavily. When the meat is done, put it in the bottom of your baking dish. Pour in can of soup and mix together.

Top the meat/soup mixture with the green beans.

Drain softened cauliflower and put back into pot. (I just cooked til a fork went into it easily) Throw in the butter and cream cheese, a pinch of salt and a couple pinches of pepper. Zoop Zoop it. (translation ... use your stick blender to blend it.) You could use a potato masher or food processor or regular blender too ...

Top the beans with the cauliflower mash. Top with grated cheese. I used a combination of tasty (cheddar) and mozzarella.

Bake 30 minutes on 180 (350) or until cheese is browned.

I know this isn't the prettiest picture but I waited til after the movie
(I saw THE HELP last night) to eat and I was too hungry to take a pretty picture !

Kale, Avo & Asparagus Salad

I have kale growing out my ears in our garden ! I've done the Roasted Kale a number of times and last night tried Khrista's Raw Kale and Avocado Salad for the first time. It is DELICIOUS ! I can't wait to make it again ! In fact, I might be making more for my lunch today ...

I changed it a bit though ... I made this to serve four.

A colander full of kale from my garden, stems removed & shredded
A punnet of cherry tomatoes, halved
1 avocado, chopped
Asparagus, 2 bunches
Olive Oil
Juice from 1 small lemon
Sea salt, to taste
Sesame seeds

Put the kale in a bowl, drizzle with olive oil, lemon juice and sprinkled with salt to taste. Now get your hands in there and massage it a bit. This softens the kale (and according to Khris, makes it tastier and easier to digest)

Saute asparagus in a bit of olive oil til cooked to desired tenderness.

While that is cooking, chop your tomatoes and avocado and mix into kale leaves.

Top with sauteed asparagus and sprinkle with sesame seeds.


Breakfast Burritos

My sister Ellie taught me how to make these ...
although, I've added a few little homemade salsa's of my own to the mix ....

There are lots of components ... and no real measurements, it depends on how many you are cooking for ... you'll work it out !

Potatoes: Chop 'em small and shallow fry with garlic powder and salt in a bit of olive oil. Fry til crispy (or done to your liking) These take a while so get them started and then do everything else.

Bacon: Chop and cook til crispy.

Eggs: Scrambled. Do these at the end so that they are hot when you serve !

Tomato Salsa: For this one I diced two tomatoes, 1/4 of a red onion (finely diced), 1 clove of freshly minced garlic, 2 handfuls of fresh coriander, salt, pepper and the juice of one lime. Mix.

Green Chili Salsa: 1/4 of a red onion (finely diced), 3 cloves of garlic (minced), 2 tins of fire roasted green chilies, 1/2 cup chicken stock. Sautee the onion and garlic in a bit of olive oil. Add the chilies and the chicken stock. Stir occasionally so it doesn't burn. Keep it going til the sauce thickens up.

Cheese: Cheddar. Grated.

Flour Tortillas: Warmed

Top the tortillas with whatever combo of ingredients you want ... add Sour Cream too. Fold it up and eat it ! So good !!

I was going to add Avocado this time too but I forgot. I think it would be really good ....

Hot Sauce Popcorn

My nine year old son and I are addicted to this stuff.

I was craving buffalo boneless wings one afternoon.
I didn't have chicken defrosted, didn't really want to eat that much
but needed a snack and just couldn't get the hot sauce out of my mind !!!!!!

This is the result.
Super easy to make.

Pop some popcorn. However much you want.

Melt some butter, however much you would melt for the amount of popcorn you made.

Add hot sauce to taste. (I add about double the hot sauce to the amount of butter)

I use Franks Red Hot & I have a giant Costco bottle that we brought back with us this last trip !

I warm the hot sauce and butter in the microwave.

(or you could do it on the stove if you don't use a MW)

Pour it on top of the pop corn !

Seriously addictive !

Diet-Friendly Menu Plan

Menu Plan
(Two weeks in a row...Don't fall out of your chair!)

As often happens in our house, life happened and we didn't get to all of the meals planned for last week. So, a few things have shifted to this weeks menu.

Saturday Dinner

Can of Asparagus - chilled

Roasted Carrots

Sunday Breakfast

Yogurt and berries

Sunday Lunch

Green salad - if anyone is hungry for lunch

Sunday Dinner

BBQ in Estes with the family

Monday Breakfast

Scrambled eggs with salsa

(possibly the homemade salsa Toby made)


Monday Lunch

Monday Dinner

Shepherd's Pie (cauliflower version)

Slice cuke, tomato, onion salad

Tuesday Breakfast

Yogurt and berries

Tuesday Lunch

Taco Salad

Tuesday Dinner


Wednesday Breakfast

Spanish omelet (with eggs, cheese, and salsa)


Wednesday Lunch

Chicken-veggie soup

Wednesday Dinner

Turkey patties (Costco)

Roasted carrots

Another veggie of some kind

Thursday Breakfast

Yogurt and berries

Thursday Lunch

Green salad with lots of veggies and hard-boiled eggs

Thursday Dinner

Sesame Fish (YUM!)


Sliced tomatoes

Friday Breakfast

Scrambled eggs

a piece of fruit

Friday Lunch

Green salad of some kind (whatever is in the house)

Friday Dinner

Shabbat! - TBD

Granola (Meusli)

I tried this at Shay and Shawn's place while we were in the States last month.
I loved it, got the recipe and tried my hand at making it tonight. Sooooo yum !!

12 cups oats
2 cups unsweetened shredded coconut
4 cups coarsely chopped pecans & almonds & cashews
1 tsp salt

2/3 cup brown sugar
1 cup honey
2/3 cup oil, I used canola

preheat oven 300F/150C
put baking paper on baking sheet ... I actually used two deep baking pans b/c this makes heaps
mix first four ingredients

stir honey, brown sugar oil in saucepan over medium low heat until smooth. ( i just popped it into the microwave for a few minutes) pour over oat mixture, toss. spread on baking sheet

bake until golden, stirring every 10 minutes ... about 40 mins (mine took much longer ... it was in there over an hour)

stir. cool.

Crock Pot Apple Butter

For our small family I make 1/3 of this recipe. You could also start with Bonnie's crock pot applesauce, omitting the cinnamon in her recipe.

15 large cooking apples
1/2 cup apple cider or water
3 cups sugar
1/2 t ground cinnamon
1/4 t ground cloves
1/4 t ground allspice (optional)

Pare, core, and dice or slice apples. Put apples and cider in a large pot or Dutch oven. Cover, cook over medium heat until apples are tender. Mash apples with a potato masher. You should have about 6 cups applesauce.

Put applesauce and sugar in crock pot and stir until sugar is dissolved. Cover pot and cook on low 8 hours (or overnight). Stir in spices and turn crock pot to high. Cook, stirring occasionally, until mixture is desired thickness. I usually take the lid off to let some of the moisture evaporate, and have even wiped the moisture off the inside of the lid to hasten the process.

This makes about 4 pints. It will keep in the refrigerator about a month. For longer storage, the apple butter can be canned (process 10 minutes in boiling water). It probably would freeze, but might separate. I have always made a smaller amount and used it right away!