

Shepherd's Pie w/Cauli Mash

I didn't use a recipe for this. I'll try and give you measurements where I can but really, they aren't necessary. Also ... I made a huge pan of this because I had a kilo of mince (ground beef) that needed to be used. We are having leftovers of this for dinner tonight !!

1 kg (2.2lb) beef mince (ground beef)
1 can cream of mushroom soup
onion, diced (I had half an onion in the fridge so just used that. You could use more if you wanted ...)
garlic, 3 cloves, finely diced
frozen green beans
cauliflower (I used two heads)
a blob of butter
2 blobs of cream cheese
grated cheese
salt and pepper

Boil the cauliflower.

Run warm water over a few handfuls of green beans in a colander and leave in the sink to 'thaw'.

While that is boiling, brown the meat with the garlic and the onion. Season, not too heavily. When the meat is done, put it in the bottom of your baking dish. Pour in can of soup and mix together.

Top the meat/soup mixture with the green beans.

Drain softened cauliflower and put back into pot. (I just cooked til a fork went into it easily) Throw in the butter and cream cheese, a pinch of salt and a couple pinches of pepper. Zoop Zoop it. (translation ... use your stick blender to blend it.) You could use a potato masher or food processor or regular blender too ...

Top the beans with the cauliflower mash. Top with grated cheese. I used a combination of tasty (cheddar) and mozzarella.

Bake 30 minutes on 180 (350) or until cheese is browned.

I know this isn't the prettiest picture but I waited til after the movie
(I saw THE HELP last night) to eat and I was too hungry to take a pretty picture !

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