

Diet-Friendly Menu Plan

Menu Plan
(Two weeks in a row...Don't fall out of your chair!)

As often happens in our house, life happened and we didn't get to all of the meals planned for last week. So, a few things have shifted to this weeks menu.

Saturday Dinner

Can of Asparagus - chilled

Roasted Carrots

Sunday Breakfast

Yogurt and berries

Sunday Lunch

Green salad - if anyone is hungry for lunch

Sunday Dinner

BBQ in Estes with the family

Monday Breakfast

Scrambled eggs with salsa

(possibly the homemade salsa Toby made)


Monday Lunch

Monday Dinner

Shepherd's Pie (cauliflower version)

Slice cuke, tomato, onion salad

Tuesday Breakfast

Yogurt and berries

Tuesday Lunch

Taco Salad

Tuesday Dinner


Wednesday Breakfast

Spanish omelet (with eggs, cheese, and salsa)


Wednesday Lunch

Chicken-veggie soup

Wednesday Dinner

Turkey patties (Costco)

Roasted carrots

Another veggie of some kind

Thursday Breakfast

Yogurt and berries

Thursday Lunch

Green salad with lots of veggies and hard-boiled eggs

Thursday Dinner

Sesame Fish (YUM!)


Sliced tomatoes

Friday Breakfast

Scrambled eggs

a piece of fruit

Friday Lunch

Green salad of some kind (whatever is in the house)

Friday Dinner

Shabbat! - TBD


  1. Another informational, enjoyable post to read.......thanks for putting it together.

  2. Pammy, have you guys tried the Veggie Patch Mediterranean Spinach & Chickpea Patties at Costco? Mike and I love those.

  3. No we haven't! Will have to look into those :-)


Thanks for saying hello!