

My Menu - Bonnie - 28 February 2011


Menu Plan Monday is hosted by Laura at I'm an Organizing Junkie

It's Monday morning and I'm waiting for the groceries to be delivered. This is two weeks in a row ... maybe I'm in a habit now ? I sure hope so ... it's so much easier this way !!

Anyway ... still trying to work within our 1/2 grocery budget ... I managed to do it last week ! Woohoo ! It was good fun moving $150 from our grocery budget, into our trip budget ... I'm a little bit over this week but still going to have over $100 to transfer at the end of the week (I hope) !

I'm excited about this week ... I'm doing a few old favorites ... only trying two new recipes. But they are from a new website that I discovered this week that I LOVE. Of course, I haven't cooked anything from it yet but it looks great.

yeah ... it's time to take a new photo ! this is one of the first recipes i posted ...
it's from 2007 when i was still learning how to use my point and shoot !!

Spinach and Pumpkin Dahl

a Bonnie original ...

Mexican Cous Cous

a Rory original
again, probably time for a new photo ...

Rory's Carbonara

new recipes .... (except the guac)


Albondigas with Spanish Rice and Guacamole


Buffalo Boneless Chicken Pizza
Ham and Pineapple Pizza
Garlic Pizza


And there you have it ... our menu for this week !
I'll be posting some great recipes this week ... I learned how to make pasta the other night.
SOOOOO YUM ! There are already some photos on facebook but I'll post about
it here soon. Also ... we made Mari's Caramel Apple Cheesecake Bars
last night. SO FREAKING DELICIOUS ! You should try them.
We didn't actually even put the caramel on top ... but I'll
post about them here in a couple days as well.

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