



My Mom gave me her guacamole recipe years ago ... I'm still making it the same way. (Except she doesn't like cilantro so I'm not sure she actually puts that in hers ...)(Do you, Mom?)

2 avocados, one mashed, one chopped
2 tomatoes, chopped
red onion, diced
garlic - to taste, I use about 4 or 5 cloves - crushed
splash of lemon juice
fresh cilantro ( coriander )
jalapeno (optional)

Mix all those things together. EASY DONE ! Very Tasty !!
Do ahead if possible because it's yummiest after the flavors all infuse !!


  1. No cilantro....but I add a chopped up fresh jalapeno pepper if I am not serving to any folks with tender palates...the lady that gave me the recipe (after I tasted what she had brought to work one fortuitous day!) always added jalapeno...

  2. yeah ... i'm still working with tender palates so i never add the jalapeno ... i usually serve those on the side !

  3. I felt that for the sake of full disclosure....and the fact that it is the kick sets it apart from any other guacamole I have ever eaten...that all of beans blog land (and facebook now!!!) should know about the jalapeno....just sayin....

  4. and i've added it to the post ... as an optional addition !!

  5. I've got to try this - sad as it may be, I've just started using avacado's. I love them in sushi and plain.

  6. There is no better time to start eating avocatos that now!!!

  7. Just made it yesterday! It was so good!


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