

Green Chili a la Colorado

Green chili is a dish I had never encountered before I moved to Colorado. It's eaten as a main dish and used as a smother for burritos (especially breakfast burritos! yummmmm).  When Aunt Kathy was doing research for this recipe, she found out that asking for a green chili recipe was like asking an Indian for a curry recipe! There are hundreds of different versions; one for each abuelita! In any case, here is Aunt Kathy's recipe, which may not be the Definitive green chili recipe, but it's certainly the best one I've ever tasted.

Green Chile a la Colorado
3T vegetable oil (have more oil in case you need to adjust the thickening)
2-3 lbs boneless pork butt cut into 1/2 “ cubes
1/2 c flour (have more flour in case you need to adjust the thickening)
Salt and pepper to taste
1 white onion, chopped
6-8 cloves of garlic, minced
30 oz bag frozen hatch green chiles, chopped
14 oz can tomatillos, drained and smashed (or pureed if you don’t want the chunks)
2 c chicken broth (I often use up to 6)
Optional:  1/2 to 1 small can diced jalapenos-cook in for extra zip or serve as a garnish
Sour cream to garnish
Shredded cheese to garnish if you want
Cilantro to garnish if you want
Chopped avocado to garnish if you want
Warm flour tortillas to serve it with
--Dredge meat in mixture of flour, salt and pepper, and brown in the oil.  Let it get a beautiful crust on it. Remove from pan and set aside.
--In the same pan sauté onion and garlic till soft.
--Add all the rest of the ingredients except the garnishes and tortillas, bring to a boil, then cover and simmer 30-45 minutes, till the pork is tender.
--Adjust thickening if necessary by heating oil in a little frying pan and stirring in an equal amount of flour into it till smooth and browned (This step of dissolving it in the hot oil is crucial to the taste, the brown really enhances the flavor!), then slowly stirring this roux into the chili. (I start with 2T, and if it isn’t thick enough, I do 2 more T, etc.  The amount totally depends on how much flour is sticking to the meat, and how much broth you ended up using.)
--Put out the garnishes and heat the tortillas
--Ring the dinner bell!


The Ganache ....


Jono wanted to try making this Chocolate Ganache, Lavendar Cream and Raspberry Tart that we saw on Masterchef. We gave it a whirl. We liked it. Mostly. We changed the base to be whole wheat and it is delicious ... we've made it again for another tart that I'll share the recipe with you for soon !


We did not like the lavender flowers in the cream. Sort of tasted like someone had spilled perfume into the cream and you just wanted that perfumy taste to go away. It wasn't in every bite ... just the bites where you got a little flower petal !


We thought it was a bit too chocolaty. I know, I know ! How can something be too chocolaty ? It can ... when you are using dark chocolate. Also, the raspberries were a bit tart. We added some strawberries to it the second day and that was way nicer ! We think we'll also add banana next time !

So ... here's the recipe ... with our modifications ... click on the link above for the original recipe and a video from the show !!

240g good whole wheat flour, I sift mine
160g butter
Pinch of salt

300ml thickened cream
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 punnet strawberries, 1 banana

160ml cream
40g butter
180g dark chocolate, finely chopped

To make the dough ... this was so easy !! Put the flour, butter and a pinch of salt in a food processor and blend until the mixture looks like breadcrumbs. Add 1-2 teaspoons cold water and blend again until the dough just comes together. Tip out onto a lightly floured board or clean bench and form dough into a disc, enclose in cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes. (if you do it too much longer than that it gets really hard to roll out ...) Roll pastry out to the size of whatever tart pan (or pans) you are using ~ I used a glass quiche dish ... actually, I used a tart pan but then the bottom popped out and the side of the pan burned me and I dropped it and lost the sides of my pastry so I transferred the half cooked pastry to a quiche dish !! ....poke the base with a fork, then place back in the fridge to rest for about 20 minutes.

For the ganache, place the cream and butter in a pan and stir over medium heat until butter has melted. Place chocolate in a heatproof bowl, pour over the warm cream, then stir until the chocolate has melted.

Preheat the oven to 180°C. Line the pastry case with baking paper and pastry beads or uncooked rice (finally I found a good use for brown rice !!!) . Blind-bake for 7-10 minutes, then remove baking paper and beads and bake for another 5-10 minutes until just golden. Press down any bubbles that have risen up and let it cool.

Meanwhile, whip thickened cream with vanilla. Cover and refrigerate until needed.

Pour the chocolate ganache into the tart shells. Spread evenly with the back of a spoon or palette knife. Top with whipped cream and then with fruit ...

Menu Plan Monday - Bonnie - 16 August 2010


Menu Plan Monday is hosted by Laura at I'm an Organizing Junkie

I didn't have a menu last week. A few meals from the week before had to be postponed and so we had a few left to cook so I just 'winged' it ! It's been ok ... not the best but OK. I'm hoping to have a bit of time to blog over the next few days so hopefully I'll get some new recipes up. We'll see ! I'm also planning to sit now (it's actually on Thursday night as I write) and get myself organized to shop online this week !! I'll be expecting a delivery Monday morning !! Hooray ! Should be good since we are going away for the weekend and I won't have time to shop !!

I feel the need to give my crock pot a bit of a work out so I've been searching the internet to see what I can find. We're going to try this amazing sounding Moroccan Chicken Stew. As the days get busier, I'm going to have to start using the crock pot more and more.

Rory's Salmon
Red Quinoa and Black Bean Salad

Honey Lime Drumsticks
Corn on the Cob
Spicy Potatoes

I'm going to make two big pans and freeze lots of leftovers !

Jono wants to make shepherds pie.
Again, going to make two big pans and freeze lots of leftovers !

Alia is going to cook Mac and Cheese out of a kids cookbook we got from the library.
We're going to try making these cheesy crackers.

I think Rory will do a Cheese and Burger Society Burger
Just not sure which one yet !

best green smoothie

(edits highlighted in orange)

I just made the most perfect green smoothie combination today! I was getting burnt out on bananas and berries.
Here's what I added:
  • 2 navel oranges peeled
    (Found that tangelos are particularly yummy and SO juicy!)
  • 1 cup frozen pineapple
  • 1/4 cup organic unsweetened coconut
  • Better yet...A splash of coconut milk! YUMMY and not gritty like the dried coconut flakes!
  • a bit of organic agave nectar
  • approx. 1/2 cup filtered water
  • 6-8 ice cubes
Blend all of the above ingredients very well before adding greens.
Add to mixture:
  • approx. 4 cups organic baby spinach
Blend, blend, chunky smoothies here!
    I gave My Girl a bit today, and she asked for MORE! So yummy!

    Blueberry and Zucchini - Together ??

    So, I saw this Blueberry Zucchini Bread recipe over at Closet Cooking ~ one of my all time favorite cooking blogs. At first I was like Blueberry and Zucchini ? Really ? Together ? But, I just HAD to try it. And I'm so glad I did ! I've made it a few times now and it's delicious. We all love it !! LOVE IT !! Try it ... you will be glad you did !!


    I modified it a tiny bit ...

    1 1/2 cups zucchini (grated, squeezed and drained)
    3/4 cup brown sugar
    1/4 cup oil
    1/2 cup greek yogurt & 2 tsp vanilla extract
    1 egg
    1 & 3/4 cup whole wheat flour
    1 teaspoon baking powder
    1/2 teaspoon baking soda
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1 teaspoon cinnamon
    1 cup blueberries
    1/2 cup pecans (chopped)


    How to make it ...

    Mix the zucchini, sugar, oil, yogurt and egg in a bowl. Sift the flour. I don't know why because I know very little about baking, but I've found sifting the flour to be a good idea when I use straight whole wheat. It seems to lighten it somehow. Mix the sifted flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt and cinnamon in a bowl. Pour the wet ingredients into the bowl of dry ingredients. Fold gently. Add the blueberries and pecans. Pour the batter into a lined meatloaf pan. Bake in a preheated 350F / 180C oven until a toothpick pushed into the center comes out clean, about an hour or so.

    Salad and Tiny Baby Pumpkins


    No recipe.
    Just pictures.


    I bought these pumpkins because they were cute.
    Cute but very impractical ! They have so little flesh on them
    that you spend all your time trying to cut the skin off or leave them
    whole and scoop the seeds out for very little left to actually eat !! I put the
    skinless bits in something ... tasted like pumpkin. I baked the whole seedless ones
    with cheese and cream and garlic and some other stuff inside them but we forgot to eat them
    and by the time we came back and found that we'd forgotten, they so did not look like
    something we wanted to eat ! So, I think these cute little pumpkins, not these four
    but any future cute little pumpkins like these four that I buy, just because they
    are cute (!!) will be destined to just look cute sitting on my counter top !
    Because they were, very very cute ! And I loved them sitting there.
    I just need to make that their purpose from the start ! Ok
    pointless diamond shaped paragraph finished !!

    Bonnie tries Jill's Soup ...


    We tried Jill's Thai Coconut Soup the other night.
    I did not have red curry paste so I used green. It was nice.

    My conclusion on this dish is that the I should make it the day before I want to serve it.
    I say this because I enjoyed it the first night but I LOVED it re-heated the second day for lunch !

    The flavors were a lot more infused ...

    Thanks Jilly ! Keep your recipes a-comin' !

    Jim's Famous Ribs

    Truth be told, they are actually Jim Smith's famous ribs. In 1972, 38 years ago, at our first duty station in our first apartment in Rota, Spain, our downstairs neighbor, Jim Smith, used to invite us for his spare ribs, and we've been making them this way ever since. Coincidentally, we also use Jim's wife's recipe for potato salad to this day.

    Here's how he taught us to make his famous ribs:

    For our barbecue last night, we served 18 people with the following:

    16 lbs of Spare Ribs (We have found the meaty ribs at Costco to be quite satisfactory)

    Separate the ribs and cover with marinade.

    The ingredients for the marinade are as follows:

    Equal portions of Kikkoman Soy Sauce and White Vinegar. For some reason, it has to be Kikkoman brand. We don't know why, but the taste just isn't the same with any other soy sauce.

    Here are the quantities we used to serve 18:

    9 cups Kikkoman Soy Sauce

    9 cups White Vinegar

    4 bulbs Garlic, peeled and thinly sliced

    Marinate the ribs overnight. We keep it in a bucket in a cooler to keep the meat from spoiling.

    Grill on the barbecue until done. Jim also used to sprinkle (pour?) some garlic powder on the ribs as they cook. (The picture below shows just a few ribs because I kept forgetting to take a picture of the grill when it was full.)

    The finished product, succulent and delicious.

    Finally, serve to a bunch of your friends.

    Menu Plan Monday - Bonnie - 2 August 2010


    Menu Plan Monday is hosted by Laura at I'm an Organizing Junkie

    Are the weeks passing by quicker and quicker ... or is it just me ?

    Alia missed her night cooking this week b/c she and I went out for dinner.
    Tonight, she's going to help Rory make The Bohemian #14 at Cheese and Burger.

    I'm going to cook Tuesday night's dinner while they are doing the burgers.
    I need to because Tuesday's are NUTSO and this Tuesday even more so


    I am going to make my chicken taco salad again !


    I didn't make this last week because my pasta machine BROKE AGAIN !
    Not my fault this time !! I'm going to send it back for a refund !!
    Winter Vegetable Tomato Sauce
    with plain old dried pasta.

    I'm so excited about trying Nanette's Pancit Guisado and Lumpiang Shanghai

    I'm going to try making this Orange and Coriander Marinated Salmon.
    I'm going to serve this with whole wheat cous cous.

    Jono wants to make Pizza.
    We're going to try Garlic & Spinach Pizza w/Ricotta Blobs and Lemon Asparagus Pizza
    We'll make a 4 or 5 cheese one too that the kids will love !
    And I think I'll get some salami as a little treat.
    Jono especially loves a good salami pizza.



    Alia wants to make grilled cheese and hot chips,
    with fresh snow peas from our garden on the side ...

    Chicken Taco Salad a la Bon-Chan

    I wanted to make taco salad but taco beef often gives me indigestion. Not fun. So ... I wanted to try it with chicken. I love chicken soft tacos from taco bell. Gasp. I don't know that I could eat one now, knowing what I know about fast food, but I do love that flavor. Well, I don't need to anymore because this chicken totally did it for me. I don't know that it's a taco bell replica but it doesn't need to be because it was delicious and totally filled that taco bell spot.


    The salad itself was really simple. I made individual plates (and made lunches straight into tupperware containers at the same time) for each of us !

    chopped lettuce leaves
    a spoonful of black beans
    sliced avocado
    sour cream
    a chunk of lime
    corn chips
    simple homemade salsa

    for the salsa
    chopped tomatoes
    chopped cilantro (coriander leaves)
    finely diced red onion
    crushed garlic
    lime juice
    salt and pepper

    mix the above to taste

    for the chicken
    300g chicken ( I'll do more next time )
    1/2 Tablespoon paprika
    1/2 Tablespoon cumin
    1/2 Tablespoon garlic powder
    1/2 Tablespoon onion flakes
    1/2 Tablespoon sea salt

    mix spices.
    add to chicken when frying in olive oil.
    i didn't use all of the spice mix ... saved about 1/2 for next time !

    Other things I might also add to the salad but didn't this time ...
    black olives
    grated cheddar cheese
    cilantro lime rice

    Jono Makes Butter Chicken w/Saffron Rice


    Jono LOVES butter chicken.
    On his night to cook a couple weeks ago he requested that we try making it at home !
    We found these recipes in a cookbook that was my Grandma's.
    It is called Indian Food and Folklore.

    We modified their recipes to look like this ...

    For the butter chicken ....

    1 kg chicken breast, cubed
    7 tablespoons vinegar

    Put the chicken and vinegar in a bowl for an hour or two. Mix the following ingredients in a food processor and let rest while the chicken is doing whatever it's doing in the vinegar.

    4 garlic cloves
    2 inch piece of fresh ginger
    2 tablespoons of a mild curry paste. We used a green curry paste.
    a big handful of chopped fresh coriander
    1 teaspoon dried mint
    150ml greek yogurt
    1/2 teaspoon salt

    Pour this luscious green mixture onto the chicken (after it's hour or two in the vinegar) and let marinate in the fridge overnight !

    Preheat oven to 160c/325f

    To cook, pour all of that chicken ... including the marinade ... into a roasting tin. (I lined mine with baking paper so the chicken wouldn't stick to the pan.) Bake for 20 minutes ... or until chicken is cooked through.

    While that's cooking you'll need to get these ingredients together and make your sauce:

    6 tablespoons ghee
    2 tablespoons cumin seeds
    1 small onion, thinly sliced
    7 tablespoons thickened cream
    1 tablespoon garam masala

    Heat the ghee in a wok, add cumin and fry for one minute. Add onion. The original recipe said to fry til crisp and golden. Mine never crisped nor golden-ed. So ...whatever. Add the cream and garam masala and simmer gently. Once the chicken is cooked, pour it into this sauce and mix it all together. Serve with saffron rice and top with a bit of fresh coriander.

    For the rice ...

    375g basmati rice
    50g ghee
    1/2 a cinnamon stick
    6 cardamom pods
    6 cloves
    1 red onion, sliced
    1 teaspoon saffron threads
    2 tablespoons boiling water
    450 ml water

    Put the saffron threads into the boiling water and let set at least 10 minutes.

    Wash the rice. Soak in cold water for 30 minutes. Drain.

    Melt the ghee and fry the spices in it. Add onion. Fry to desired onion consistency. Add rice. Fry 2 minutes. Add saffron water & the 450ml water. Stir. Bring to the boil. Cover. Cook gently ... about 20 minutes ... til liquid is absorbed and rice is tender.