

Salad and Tiny Baby Pumpkins


No recipe.
Just pictures.


I bought these pumpkins because they were cute.
Cute but very impractical ! They have so little flesh on them
that you spend all your time trying to cut the skin off or leave them
whole and scoop the seeds out for very little left to actually eat !! I put the
skinless bits in something ... tasted like pumpkin. I baked the whole seedless ones
with cheese and cream and garlic and some other stuff inside them but we forgot to eat them
and by the time we came back and found that we'd forgotten, they so did not look like
something we wanted to eat ! So, I think these cute little pumpkins, not these four
but any future cute little pumpkins like these four that I buy, just because they
are cute (!!) will be destined to just look cute sitting on my counter top !
Because they were, very very cute ! And I loved them sitting there.
I just need to make that their purpose from the start ! Ok
pointless diamond shaped paragraph finished !!

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