

Menu Plan Monday - Bonnie - 16 August 2010


Menu Plan Monday is hosted by Laura at I'm an Organizing Junkie

I didn't have a menu last week. A few meals from the week before had to be postponed and so we had a few left to cook so I just 'winged' it ! It's been ok ... not the best but OK. I'm hoping to have a bit of time to blog over the next few days so hopefully I'll get some new recipes up. We'll see ! I'm also planning to sit now (it's actually on Thursday night as I write) and get myself organized to shop online this week !! I'll be expecting a delivery Monday morning !! Hooray ! Should be good since we are going away for the weekend and I won't have time to shop !!

I feel the need to give my crock pot a bit of a work out so I've been searching the internet to see what I can find. We're going to try this amazing sounding Moroccan Chicken Stew. As the days get busier, I'm going to have to start using the crock pot more and more.

Rory's Salmon
Red Quinoa and Black Bean Salad

Honey Lime Drumsticks
Corn on the Cob
Spicy Potatoes

I'm going to make two big pans and freeze lots of leftovers !

Jono wants to make shepherds pie.
Again, going to make two big pans and freeze lots of leftovers !

Alia is going to cook Mac and Cheese out of a kids cookbook we got from the library.
We're going to try making these cheesy crackers.

I think Rory will do a Cheese and Burger Society Burger
Just not sure which one yet !

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