

Menu Plan Monday - Bonnie - Edition 2

So ... probably MENU PLAN MONDAY should start from Monday but I plan my menu's Friday to Thursday because payday is Friday and that's when I shop ! Here's what we're having ( and have already had 'til now ) this week:

Friday :

Movie and Pizza Night at our house.
Naturally, we had

Saturday :

We went to a going away BBQ for a friend.
We had to bring meat and something to share.
I took Black Bean Salsa ... the recipe I posted yesterday !

Sunday :

Sundays are always hard to plan for.
I had planned Tasty Lentil Tacos but
we had a big lunch of leftovers and since
we have to eat early, we will probably just make grilled cheese
for dinner tonight and have the Tacos Thursday.

Monday :

We have company coming for dinner.
We are having Oven Fried Chicken Chimichangas

Tuesday :

Rory's Salmon
**new** Paella de Granos de Paraiso
(Amaranth Paella with Peppers and Greens)
Steamed Broccoli

Wednesday :

**new** Jimmy Jambalaya

Thursday :

**new** Tasty Lentil Tacos

I am also making Hummus ... I've made this recipe before and LOOOVED it. I'll get some photos and post it for ya'll. I'm also cooking up some spinach and pumpkin dahl, **new** asparagus soup with crab toasts ( minus the crab unless I can find some reasonably prices) and some non-cook lasagna to have for lunches.
What's cookin' at your place this week ?
Need more ideas ?
Stop by "I'm an Organizing Junkie" for more Menu Plan Monday !


  1. The Tasty Lentil Tacos sound good to me, I don't think David would go for it though. Let us know how they are. I LOVE hummus! Can you believe I never tasted it until recently?! I'll have to compare the recipe I have with the one you post! YUMMY! I was going to post it but I'll wait now. I even took a photo, with some home baked whole wheat tortilla chips I made too!

  2. I checked out the recipe for Oven Fried Chicken Chimichangas and it sounds like a perfect meal for my kids. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Happy Monday, great menu!
    Be blessed!
    ¸.·´¸.·*¨) ¸.·*¨)
    (¸.·´ (¸.·’ * Annie *

  4. The Oven Fried Chicken Chimichangas sound delicious.Have a great week.

  5. The lentil tacos sound delicious! I had lentil soup for dinner last night and loved it. :)

  6. I have a similar lentil recipe, but I use it as a filling for is very good!

    I've also tried the oven fried chimis and was impressed at how well they crisp up in the oven....also very good!!

    Have a great week!


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