

My Menu - Bonnie - 20 February 2011


Menu Plan Monday is hosted by Laura at I'm an Organizing Junkie

I've just finished doing the online shopping so the majority of our items will arrive tomorrow morning. I just have to grab a few things for dinner at the shops today. I love when I get organized to shop on line ! Actually, it's going to be a necessity. We have purchased tickets to go home to the states in a few months and in looking at our budget, we've determined that we need to cut our groceries in half until we go. It's a good thing I love a challenge (mostly when there is a reward at the end !) because this is a HUGE challenge. Actually, it's not quite in half. Our budget used to be $400 a week but we cut that down to about $350 a week, a month or two ago. Now, my goal is to do healthy, delicious food (and all toiletries as well) for $200 a week. I have a fair bit in my freezer and pantry so for a little while it shouldn't be too hard. This week I think I'll be right under ! I might even be able to get Rory some beer (alcohol is the other thing we said we'd need to cut until we go !) in that $200's !

If you have any great, cheap, yet healthy meal ideas, I'd love to hear about them in the comments section !


This had to get pushed from last week ... we're having it tonight !
Grilled Fish Sandwich

BBQ meatballs w/roast veggies
We used to eat these all the time ... although not as meatballs.
I'll share the recipe after I make them ....

Lemony Chicken and Israeli Cous Cous for a potluck dinner at out house !


New Recipe ...
Sweet Pumpkin and Lentil Salad with Brazillian Beef Kebabs.

Spinach and Pumpkin Dahl
(another old favorite)

Spaghetti Bolognaise (out of the freezer) ... Unless we get a better offer ! :)

Creamy Parmesan Chicken
We haven't had this in ages ... I'll post the recipe after I make it !


Alia wants to make snickerdodles as her special treat this week.
We will make those this afternoon.

And Rory has asked for some meusli bars for lunches.
We will make those this afternoon too.


1 comment:

  1. So is $200 in AUS comparable to $200 US? You go girl!
    I am trying to be really strict with our budget too!
    Lentils are always a good cheap choice...soups too! I have a few tasty recipes on my blog : Soup Saturday ;)
    Pasta is pretty cheap...beans & rice. ;)


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