

{Roasted} BEETS!

Perhaps you are looking for a simple, easy, delicious way to get some more color (and vitamins) into your life.  Well look no further my friend! Ok, keep looking further, but also try this recipe! 


4 beets, washed.  Make sure you get beets that are all about the same size and shape or they won't cook at the same rate.
Olive oil
Salt & pepper

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F

Wrap each beet in foil, place in a rimmed baking receptacle.  Make sure that if you drop a beet, you immediately yell out, "beet down!"

Bake for 45 min to 1 hour (mine took a little longer, but I neglected to preheat the oven) until a skewer can be easily inserted into the side.  Let stand for 10 minutes.

Take beet out of foil and place in the center of 2 or 3 paper towels.  Use the towels to gently rub off the skin.  Slice the skinned beets, drizzle on a little olive oil, season with salt and pepper.

Note: Does anyone know if this could be accomplished in the microwave to cut down on cooking time?

Slow Cooker Beef and Barley Soup

I did not take a picture of this as I was too busy shoveling it into my face.  The barley is velvety and the beef is tender.  The whole thing is warm, hearty, and tasty; perfect for a chilly fall night!  But do note, be careful when you add the thyme, lest you (like me) end up with a few bites that taste like tree bark.

1 lb beef, cubed
2 T oil
1 onion, chopped
2 carrots, unpeeled, sliced
3-4 cloved garlic, pressed
1/4 cup dry red wine
1 can diced tomatoes
2 cups chicken broth
2 cups beef broth
1/3 cup pearl barley
1 T dried parsley
1/2 t dried thyme

Dry the meat using several paper towels (this is important, do not skip this step).  Season with salt and pepper, brown in half the oil.  Remove from pan and set aside.  Saute the carrots, onions, and garlic in the remaining oil until the veggies are soft.  Add the wine to the pan, reduce by half, scrapping any bits off the bottom of the pan.

Add all the ingredients to the crockpot, cook on low 6-7 hours.

NOTE FOR MAKING AHEAD:  If you want to make this the night before, or even a day or two before, store the meat and the veggies in the fridge in separate containers.  Only combine the ingredients right before you are ready to start the soup. 

Bex and Liz Eat Stuff: a Menu Plan

Week 2 of Getting Back On Track nearly got derailed by my lack of being-home-ness, but I have conquered!! I think we've stumbled upon a system that will work for us.  It hasn't been easy at all because we have so many constraints.  For one, our food needs to be kosher (for me) and healthy (us), but we also need a little freedom to eat things that are fatty and delicious. Besides all that, we need food that fits into our crazy schedules easily. The opportune word there is EASILY, because if it's not, then it doesn't work and we just end up eating out.  No bueno!

Basically, the system is thus: Crockpot Mondays, Super Healthy Tuesdays, Bex Cooks Wednesdays, Fat Thursdays, Shabbat!  Because we were out of town this weekend, we're flip-flopping the crock pot and Becky meal.  We're trying out several new recipes this week and I pretty excited!

[Bex Cooks] Monday:
Grilled Cheese
Tomato Soup
Seasoned Green Beans
(I have GOT to get this recipe posted. I invented these and the are yummers)

[Super Healthy] Tuesday:
Shoyu Chicken
Luau Rice

[Crockpot] Wednesday:
Moroccan Stew with winter veggies

[Fat] Thursday:
Pasta Alfredo
Sliced Tomatoes

Ruth's Potato Pizza


A friend of mine had been telling me about her favorite pizza ... I decided one night to give it a go. It was yum, although our rosemary seemed a bit bitter so we added some fresh parmesan cheese ...

It is dead simple.

Pizza dough ... we used a whole wheat, thin crust that I make in the bread maker.

Top that with a drizzle of good olive oil, thinly sliced potatoes, a nice salt and plenty of fresh rosemary. Bake ... ours took about 10 minutes in a 200C oven.

Sprinkle with freshly grated Paremsan cheese !!

PS ... if you're wondering why I didn't post the second half of my two week menu, it's because I never shopped for it so we never ate it !! It's been a total FLY BY THE SEAT OF MY PANTS week and I've hated every minute of it !!! Two week menu planning when I have to shop weekly (because of fresh ingredients needed) is not going to work for me !!

BUT ... I got an iPhone4 this week and I have downloaded some cool apps and I'm going to start using them to get more organized !

AND ... a cool thing I did yesterday ... I was wandering around the shop after work, trying to figure out what to make for dinner. I NEVER DO THAT !! NEVER EVER !! Couldn't think of anything. Pulled out the iPhone, opened my Whole Foods Market app and found this recipe, bought the ingredients, made the dish and am thrilled with this new option for disorganized shopping !

Bex and Liz Eat Stuff

So the start of the semester really cramped my menu planning style.  But now, at least for one week, I'm back on my game and I'm really excited about this week's menu.  A slight change in my eating habit...I've decided to keep kosher.  It's difficult to explain all the reasons why, but suffice it to say, it felt important to me.  The added bonus is that it really makes me think about what I am eating.  Enough babbling,  on to the meal plan!

Chicken and veggies over couscous
Asparagus in some form

Slow cooker beef and barley soup
Seasoned green beans

Turkey burgers
Sliced tomatoes
Roasted beets

Red beans and rice with turkey sausage

We'll be grabbing something on the way to
bible study.

Buffalo Boneless Wings ... And Ranch


Ok ... let's start with the Ranch recipe. I got this from Shay and it is delicious !

I'm going to cut and paste from the email she sent me ....

My freaking favorite ranch
I don't worry too much about which herbs to use but I always use fresh dill. That makes it. I like a lot of dill. You can play around with this one. All to taste and texture.
I like to double but that makes a good bit-this is for one batch.

1/2 c. mayo
1/2 c. buttermilk, shaken
1 tbsp. dijon mustard
2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
4 scallion chopped
1 garlic, minced
2 tbsp. dill
2 tbsp. chives
1 tbsp. tarragon, or 1/2 tsp. dried
2 tbsp. parsley
dash worchestershire
dash hot sauce
1/2 tsp. salt, plus more to taste

whisk all

I did this in the afternoon and put it in the fridge until dinner time ....


For the 'wings'.

I did 1 kilo of chicken breast. Cut into chunks (see photo above). I put some whole wheat flour in a ziplock bag, added the chicken, shook it around then then shallow fried these in olive oil til golden brown.


For the hot 'buffalo sauce"

If you're in the States, you'll use Franks but I can't get that here ! BUMMER ! But, I found this Louisiana hot sauce the other day. It was a darn good substitute !! Not a cheap substitute though ! This bottle cost $9.99 and it was just under a cup of hot sauce !

So ... melt 2 TBSP of butter in the microwave. Add 1 cup hot sauce. Mix. Put back in the microwave and make it hot. Add 'wings' and mix to coat.


For the Garlic Parmesan "wings"

Melt 1/2 a cup butter. Then add to it 2 tsp (3?? ... to taste) garlic powder, 1/2 tsp onion salt, 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper, 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese. Put back in microwave and make it hot. Add 'wings' and toss to coat !


Tuna Mac


I can't believe I haven't posted this recipe before.
It's one of my favorites.

And so easy ...

1 bag of shell pasta
1 small jar of pimento stuffed green olives, I chop mine in half
1 small red onion, finely diced
1 can of tuna (i like it in spring water but whatever), drained
1 cup mayo (i make mine like this), add a bit at a time, you may not need this much ~ or you may need more ... you just want the pasta nice and coated ! (not like mine looks in the photo !)
a couple squirts of american mustard

Cook the pasta al dente. Drain. Cool a teensy bit so the mayo doesn't go icky. Add all ingredients and mix. And that's that. I love this warm ... and I love this cold and leftover !!

Pina Colada Tea ... On The Rocks


My favorite tea ... pina colada ... which is actually not tea at all ... it's a mixture of rosehip, hibiscus, apple, coconut and pineapple ... but it's dried and I buy it at a fancy tea shop so we're going to call it tea ...

Anyway ... turns out, it's really nice ICED ! Want to try some ...... ?

Jamie's Potato Salad


I tried this a while back and loved it. Such a fresh fresh salad. And simple. This is in Jamie's "Jamie at Home" cookbook. I changed it just a little bit ...

Boil a couple of potatoes til just cooked. I was serving four so I imagine I did four potatoes and one for the pot ! I didn't bother peeling them.

Mix the zest of one lemon and 1/2 of it's juice with a splash of vinegar. He suggested red wine but I used cider vinegar ... or maybe I used rice wine vinegar. I can't remember now. It won't matter. Just use a splash of the vinegar of your choice ! Add three splashes of olive oil. Taste it. Need more ? Add it. Add 2 tablespoons capers and salt/pepper to taste.

Pour the dressing onto the potatoes, toss to coat and top with a small bunch of fresh dill or fennel tops ...

Menu plan

We haven't had schedules that allowed us to make a weekly menu at the G.P. Street house for a while; however, this week is unique! So, here is what we're going to be eating in this neck of the woods this week:

Steak (although since it is - thankfully - still fall in Colorado, it will not be this steak recipe)
Sauteed mushrooms and onions
Corn on the cob grilled on the BBQ

Some concoction using polish sausage, sauerkraut, and potatoes - if I remember/have time I'll let you know what it ends up being...

Tomato slices

Pork chops with bacon and cabbage (this is a new recipe that we're trying...if it's any good I'll try and remember/take the time to post it)
Possible beets of some kind - but only if AK decides that the meal isn't colorful enough

Every (wo)man for oneself

Quinoa Veggie Soup (although I also add garlic, corn, and carrots)

Friday (Shabbat)
Indian lamb riblets (also a new recipe)
Various Indian sides we're going to pick up at the local Indian grocery store
Naan (also from the Indian grocery store)
And that's what we'll be eating! Gosh I'm hungry!! Better go get the shopping finished so we can cook tonight's meal.

Macaroni and Cheese for Cousins

Alia, our 7 year old, loves mac and cheese.
She found this recipe in a kids cookbook and wanted to try it.


She loved it so much she wrote out the recipe and took it to school for show and tell.
Our 8 year old, Jono, also loved it. He reckons it is the best macaroni and cheese EVER.


I loved her little write up so posted it on facebook.
Her cousins in the States, Aidan and Jack, liked the look of it too ...


This photo appeared on my sister, Ellie's facebook a few days later !

LOVE IT !!!!

Menu Plan Monday - Bonnie - 11 October 2010


Menu Plan Monday is hosted by Laura at I'm an Organizing Junkie

I sat down yesterday and planned out a two week menu ! Took forever but at least it's done ! I'm getting ready to shop online now ... scheduling two separate delivery dates ... I'm experimenting with planning this far out ... If it works, I may try a month next time !!

Anyway ... I'm going to write and post this today ... even though it's Menu Plan Monday ... I just hate waiting for the post to go up when I future date it ! Ha ha ... So ... here it is, just a bit early !

Jono's night.
He wants to make egg curry and chutney ...
It's a rainy day today too ... egg curry is perfect rainy day food !!

Alia's night. She wants to make mac and cheese.
We're trying a new recipe out of a vegetarian cookbook I got from the library.
We'll do macaroni cheese with an asparagus and mustard stir fry too !

Rory's night ... aka Burger Night !
We're going to try #26 The Sheboygan

Bean Nachos ... again from the vegetarian cookbook.
And I'll make our homemade salsa !

We're going to try this Thai Salad w/peanut dressing on the recommendation of a friend.
We're also going to try this same friend's satay chicken skewers !

Boneless buffalo wings (although I'm using breast not wings) and boneless garlic parmesan wings (again, breast not wings but you can't really call them boneless buffalo breasts can you now ? ) I'm going to make ranch and serve with veggies.

Andrea's steak cobb salad

Jono's night again
He wants to make Pizza
Looks like we'll make 2 Funky Limes
a Seafood and probably a plain cheese one.


Alia's night again
Chicken Fingers ~ The Quinoa Way
Spicy Potatoes

Rory's Burger Night
We'll try #30 The Macho Nacho

And ... I'll stop there. I'll post the rest on the 18th ... on an actual Monday !! :0
I do also have quiet a few recipes to post. I have a list !! ha.
I just need to stop playing Tetris when I sit down ...
and then I'd get some posts done !
We'll see how I go ...

What's cooking with you all ?? I'd love to know !
Oh ... and if you haven't tried
Andrea's Lahori Chicken & Potato Curry, you need to ... It's AMAZING !


Here's the photo I took of mine ... AND this is on my menu again next week !!! SO GOOD !