

Jamie's Potato Salad


I tried this a while back and loved it. Such a fresh fresh salad. And simple. This is in Jamie's "Jamie at Home" cookbook. I changed it just a little bit ...

Boil a couple of potatoes til just cooked. I was serving four so I imagine I did four potatoes and one for the pot ! I didn't bother peeling them.

Mix the zest of one lemon and 1/2 of it's juice with a splash of vinegar. He suggested red wine but I used cider vinegar ... or maybe I used rice wine vinegar. I can't remember now. It won't matter. Just use a splash of the vinegar of your choice ! Add three splashes of olive oil. Taste it. Need more ? Add it. Add 2 tablespoons capers and salt/pepper to taste.

Pour the dressing onto the potatoes, toss to coat and top with a small bunch of fresh dill or fennel tops ...


  1. I think it would go well with your grilled steak, Dad !!

  2. But where's the mayo?!?! My psyche rebels against potato chunks not covered in mayonaise when it is called potato salad...I know, I shall nickname this potatoes vinagrette! Mmmmmm, sounds delicious!

  3. Has anyone ever told you that you have a very rebellious psyche ?? :)

  4. True, but she creatively outsmarts the rebellious psyche by renaming this delicacy. I agree, it would go well with grilled steaks!


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