

{my bread maker pizza dough recipe}


200ml water
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon salt
2 & 1/2 cups bread flour
1 & 3/4 teaspoons yeast

put into bread maker. select 'pizza dough'. press start button.

takes 45 minutes ...

Funky Lime Pizza


I got this recipe here. If you need a recipe for the dough she's got one included. Or you could try Khrista's whole wheat dough, or my bread maker dough. (I used my bread maker dough for this, as I do for every pizza I make !)

So ... I made two pizzas with this amount of topping ... (and yeah, I modified it but not too much)

3 cloves garlic, minced
2 T extra-virgin olive oil
1 ear of corn, kernels removed
pinch of black pepper
1/2 t red pepper flakes (I just put this on the table for people to sprinkle as wanted)
1 lb Mozzarella, shredded
1/2 onion, thinly sliced
zucchini, thinly sliced
feta cheese, crumbled
fresh cilantro (coriander) leaves, coarsely chopped
juice of 1 lime

Preheat oven to 450 degrees. (she did a bunch of tricky stuff with the pizza baking process, i prefer simple so didn't do any of that ... you should go check out her way if you like tricky ... )

In a small bowl, combine the garlic and olive oil and set aside.

In a bowl, toss the corn kernels with the black pepper and red pepper.

Scatter half of the Mozzarella over the pizzas, leaving a 1/2" rim. Place the onion over the cheese and the zucchini over the onion. Scatter the remaining Mozzarella over the zucchini. Sprinkle with the feta and the corn.

Bake for about 8 minutes then swap which rack the pizzas are on. Bake for another 5 - 8 minutes, til cheese is done to your liking ! I like it a bit brown ...

Immediately after removing the pizza from the oven, brush the garlic oil onto the rim, squeeze the lime juice over the top and garnish with the cilantro.


This method of brushing with the olive oil left the garlic a bit raw for our tastes. Next time, I think I will add the garlic to the pizza itself and just brush with plain olive oil at the end ...

Menu Plan Monday - Khrista - 07.27.09

I'm trying to get back on track here...
We have been participating in a local CSA here this Summer. This is the 3rd Summer for us, and we always enjoy all the fresh veggies we receive week after week. We're into week 5 of 12 so far. This year we are sharing our farm share with a friend. We couldn't seem to consume all the veggies ourselves last year and ended up wasting some of it, much to our disappointment.
It seems to be working out well so far. There is still PLENTY of vegetables to consume.
Today I went through the fridge and listed ALL the veggies we still needed to eat.
I then took that list and cross referenced it with some of our favorite recipes and recipes from this site and this one, to come up with the meals for this week using up those good veggies! The first site is really helpful because you can search by key ingredient! Love it! I got the Escarole with Beans + More recipe from that site. (And yes, I realize Escarole is misspelled on my menu image, but I am too lazy to go fix it!)
The Sweet Pepper Pasta Toss with Kale is from the other site and can be found in this week's farm note.
Those are both new recipes for us. I will let you know how we like them!
The other three recipes are ones I have made before:
Mediterranean Rice Salad

Grilled Ratatouille Salad

I'll try and post the Chicken Green Chile Enchiladas recipe later in the week. It is most certainly not a healthy meal, but tasty nonetheless... and a perfect meal to take to new parents, which is just what I plan to do...and double the recipe so we can enjoy it too!

Menu Plan Monday - Bonnie - 27 July 2009

Menu Plan Monday is hosted by Laura at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

I've been in a bit of a slump the past couple of weeks ! Haven't planned a menu, haven't shopped. Just tried to use up what was in the fridge and pantry for the most part. Grrr ... I don't like weeks like that. Back on track this morning ! The menu is planned, I'm just getting ready to put the grocery list together and I'm going to head out to the store a bit later ... I have some other errands to run as well so will do them all at the same time ! I didn't get myself organized to shop on line over the weekend. Sounds ridiculous but ... it's the truth.

ANYWAY ... I've found some really interesting looking meals for this week. I am so excited to try them ... especially tonights !!! I'll let you know if they are good ... I've linked to the recipes and amazing photos ... you can check them out there if you can't wait til I've tried them !! :)

Corn and Zucchini Pizza with Lime and Cilantro

Tropical Tamarind Shrimp with Avocado Cucumber Salad

Garlic and Coriander Chicken
Rocket (from our garden !!), tomato and carrot salad with a homemade asian dressing


Biscuits with Salmon and Cream Cheese

Rory and I are going out !

Will have to play this one by ear ...

Homemade Mac and Cheese
Roasted Cauliflower


.. the fresh stuff ..

oh dear
my poor neglected beans blog
can it really be that i haven't posted a single recipe for 15 days ?!
eek !

well, here's a little something something to cheer you up
fresh coriander (cilantro) doing it's best to grow up to the sky !
i'm thrilled ... i've never had this good a success with it in any other veggie garden


i'll get back to posting soon !

Pita Bread

My mother in law posted this to her blog ... I have cut and pasted it in it's entirety so we can try it ... who will do it first and post a photo ?? I'm going to try it with Khrista's Chicken Souvlaki !! I think it might just answer my pita prayers !!

Pass The Beans Please: Chicken Souvlaki

This is a marvelous recipe especially since I can no longer buy the quick fix ingredients in the supermarket. Thank you so much for this great blog, girls.

Have you ever tried to make your own Pita bread? I use two cups of plain flour, the required amount of dried yeast, one cup of slightly warm water and mix. Roll on to floured surface and kneed for 10 minutes.

When you have a nice elastic dough ball, put in the bowl, cover with plastic, and leave in a warm place to rise for abut 30 - 40 mins. (In a warm climate and warm day less time.)

When it has doubled in size punch down the dough onto a surface and break into 6 or 8 balls.

Roll each one with a rolling pin till it is flat and about the size of a small saucer. Place on baking paper on a tray. (heat oven to 365deg. F or 185 C). Let the flat cakes rest till they rise a little like flying saucers.

Place in the oven for up to 10 minutes. They should puff up like a pocket. Don't over cook.

Remove from oven and make a small cut in the edge on one side. The deflated pocket is excellent for any Pita purpose!

Have fun!!!!!!!!!

Menu Plan Monday ~ Bonnie ~ 6 July 2009

I know it's only Sunday, but I've just finished planning this menu and I just want to post it.
Who says I can only post my Menu Plan Monday on Monday ??
No-one ?

Phew !

What's cooking at your place ?

Menu Plan Monday is hosted by Laura at I'm an Organizing Junkie.


Khrista's Mexican Chicken Soup
I'm so excited that I can make this ... thanks to Khris sending me green chiles !!



we're having friends over and i'm going to make
Thai Chicken Soup
oh yum !



Crock Pot Steak Fajitas


my father in law has been telling me about this green pasta he makes
there is no recipe ... i'm just going to wing it !
i'll let you know ...


Trying some new pizza's ...
Roasted Garlic and Peppers
and this one
(and I'll make this basil pesto to go on it - with basil out of my garden !!)



Cold Somen Noodles
(It looks like I haven't posted this recipe here before ... will get a photo and do that this time !)

we'll see what we've got left in the fridge by Sunday and just come up with something
maybe eggs on toast
or onigiri
if there's not much else ...


You know what I love about this new way I'm planning and shopping ?
The menu is planned, the shopping is done and I haven't left my computer !
I can't wait til tomorrow morning when my groceries get delivered right into my kitchen !!