

Menu Plan Monday - Bonnie - Fam Fave Edition

I can't believe that it's Menu Planning Time again already ! We are eating out of the fridge/pantry for the rest of the week. Time to clear some stuff out ! So, let's see. Friday night we had pizza and watched Nim's Island. Cute movie. Saturday we had leftovers. Sunday we had scones and salami sandwiches. Interesting combination, I know. We had been to the beach for a late lunch with friends and so had some scones before Rory went to church. When he got home, we had salami sandwiches ... Monday (today) we had tortilla and asparagus hash. That stuff is goooood ! I loved it !! The rest of the week ... well, I'll have to let you know ! We may have some interesting food ... maybe something worth posting will come out of it ! ha. Actually, I may try Khrista's Red Lentil Soup with Rice, I think I've got everything to make it.

Since this is the family favorites edition of Menu Plan Monday,
I'm posting a link to this recipe.
Macaroni and Cheese
The way my Mom always made it ~ the way I still make it !!
Try it, you'll like it !


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