

Family Favorite ... Macaroni and Cheese !

A favorite from my childhood ... and still a favorite now !
I chose this photo to show you the yummy crispy bits on the sides !
They're the best bits !
Fights happen to get these bits ...
(ok, not really, but they would be worth a fight !!)


What You'll Need:
Pasta of some description. We like shells. Tonight we used spirals. One bag.
1 can cream of mushroom soup
Milk, enough to fill the soup can
Cheese, grated or you can grate it yourself

Cook the pasta according to package instruction.
Oh, and get that oven fired up. 350 F - 180 C

Have your assistant pour the can of soup into a bowl.

Then fill the can with milk and have her pour that into the bowl as well.

If you haven't bought the cheese pre-grated, your assistant can take care of that for you.
Make sure she eats the bits that fall onto the counter as she grates.

Dump the cheese into the bowl of soup and milk.
Not you, of course, your assistant !


And mix some more.
Bring in second assistant if necessary.

Have older assistant put bowl into microwave and turn on for 5 or so minutes.
Just to melt the cheese a bit.

In the meantime, the original assistant can be putting the drained pasta into a casserole dish.

Once the soup, milk, cheese mixture makes it out of the microwave, pour on top of pasta.
It's better if you do this. Scalded assistants are grumpy assistants.

Cover and put into oven.
I didn't take a photo to show you how but you're gonna want to close the oven door !

Bake 1 hour.

I like mine sprinkled with grated rock salt.
Rory adds Tabasco.
The kids, even with the tineey weeney mushroom bits from the soup, love this !
I hear comments like:
"This is really quite good, Mommy !"



  1. Sounds good, I'm making it tonight, it's all ready to go in the oven for dinner with some minor modifications. I added peas and spinach and topped it with sliced tomatoes and a bit of bread crumbs and parm cheese....looking forward to with a some ham on the side! Thanks for sharing

  2. Augh... I was hoping to find out how much cheese to use. I'm making this tonight for 250 people. So I have to know how much cheese to buy... in bulk. Oh well, I'll just go with what's in my head. (I usually buy too much cheese when I do this...)

  3. For future referrence's about two cups of cheese for every can of soup. And thanks for the advice to make this for the was such a hit! I bought too much cheese...didn't want to run out and not have cheesy mac N use some of it up I ended up baking the mac N cheese for about 30 minutes then sprinkling a generous amount of cheese over the mac...I then recovered it and let it continue baking. I took the lid off for the last 10ish minutes (the oven I was working with was not very hot) to get the cheese a little golden...the students were drooling over the pans it looked so tasty!

  4. May I come to dinner? Definitely one of my faves!

  5. I'm making this for lunch today. Alia is so cute and little in the pictures!, time!!! Thankfully this Mac and cheese stays the same!

  6. Oh... I had to do a double take when I saw Jono in these shots... He looks so much like Charlie...

  7. Sounds yummy - best of all - I love the way you wrote about it!


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