

A Lesson Learned...and a Menu

I've recently learned something valuable, and since it's cooking related, I thought I'd post it here:

Should you find yourself making some kind of curried entree, and you should happen to discover that you have forgotten to make rice, and you also happen to be hungry and not, i repeat do NOT try to cook brown rice in a microwave.

That's all I have to say about that.

My menu for the week:
Monday: EZ Chicken Curry (courtesy of Ellie) with a garden salad
Tuesday: Ellie's Black Bean Chili
Wednesday: Super Fancy Soup (lol, I have Youth Group on weds.!)
Thursday: Bible Study (they feed me dinner!) but I am planning to take Bonnie's Muffins of Yumness
Friday: Spaghetti Ali Oli with a side of Broccoli


  1. I'm so excited that you posted a menu Jill !! You big-grown-up-living-on-your-own-now-person you ! I'm thinking you are going to need to post the recipe for El's EZ Chicken Curry, I'm pretty sure I've not heard of it before ...

    Looks like a yummy menu ! I'm so excited that you are making the muffins !! Can't wait to hear what you think !!!

  2. Good to see another menu here! I love seeing what everyone is eating! :)
    I have tried the muffins and they were really good! They're best the day you bake them, but each day after I found they got a little soggy from the butter! Really yummy! I might just halve the recipe next time so we don't have to throw away any of them!


Thanks for saying hello!