

Menu Plan Monday - Khrista - Edition 6

Kung Pao Chicken *HERE*
Cajun-Spiced Fish *HERE*
Eggplant Parmesan *HERE*
Jimmy Jambalaya *HERE*

Mediterranean Rice Salad recipe coming soon!

Here's a picture of the Cajun-Spiced Fish the last time I made it! It is incredibly YUMMY!


  1. Yummy menu Bonnie, that fish looks delicious.

  2. Sounds like a very tasty week!! We had Kung Pao chicken last night---but it was from a box---it was in the pantry and I am cooking with what I have on hand this week. I've saved this recipe to try out!! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Great menu! and omgosh, that cajun fish looks soooo good!

  4. Hey Khris ... can't wait to see what you think of the Jambalaya !! And of course ... to see your photo of it !! :) Has David gone back to work ? It's Tuesday here ... I think it's Monday there but I'm never sure of the time difference between here and Alaska. I have a clock on my dashboard (mac is so cool!) with Anchorage time so I know it's 6:20 am here and 11:20 am there but I don't know if it's Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday for you !! I'm guessing Monday ... Anyway ... hope he is ok. and that you are ok ! It's tough getting back into "normal" after they've been home !! And I'm not really sure why I'm posting this to the beans blog and not at your blog !! ha ha. Too late now ... this comment is too long to re-type over there !! :)Bon

  5. The cajun fish looks really good!


Thanks for saying hello!