

Menu Plan Monday - Bonnie - Edition 6

It's a bit of a "cook the easy meals" week for me !
Last week we tried almost all NEW recipes.
I loved making them, and eating them, they were all great.
But this week ... I am goin' with what I know best.

Pizza and Movie Night
We actually had pizza this week !!

We took Sushi over to the resort where Gina and Eddie were staying.

Remember when I made Enchiladas last week ?
I mentioned freezing it.
We had the frozen stuff last night and it was GOOOOOOOOD !
Just reheated in the microwave.
Couldn't tell it had been frozen !! Tasted just like last week !
(if not better !!)

That's tonight and I'm NOT COOKIN' !!
I've been a busy little bee today and I'm too tired !
Rory and I are going to do our Chinese/Indian thing for dinner.
He gets Indian ... the kids and I get Chinese.
We all get it to go and eat it at home together !

Rory's Carbonara
Have you all tried this yet ?
Gotta try it !

Fried Rice

I think this Thursday will be a bit of a
"pull everything out of the fridge and see what I can throw together" night !

What's on the menu at your place this week ?
Head on over to this weeks Menu Plan Monday and share ....


  1. I have an easy plan myself this week too. I do love the idea of being creative with what ever we have hanging aorund. I haven't odne that for a while.

  2. Oh MY!! Sometimes it pays to point and click! I just found your blog and the great stuff you posted this week and last! Got to try that Vietnamese recipe and the roasted garlic salad for sure!

  3. I'm going to have to try your husband's carbonara recipe. It sounds great. Thanks for sharing.

    Cynthia - What's for Dinner?

  4. Everything sounds so good!! Have a great week!!

  5. I'm so jealous, I LOVE chinese food and could really go for some right now LOL

    Love your menu :) Glad I'm posting on the right one now LOL


  6. Your menu sounds great. You have alot of variety. Love the pics. Have a great week.


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