

What's Cookin' ?

The Menu At Our House This Week !
2. Lentil Wraps with Homemade Hummus and Fresh Carrot Sticks
3. Rice and Beans with Avocado Salsa
4. Pastina in Brodo
Roasted Pumpkin, Spinach and Feta Salad
Garlic Rye Bread Crostinnis
6. Spinach and Pumpkin Dahl with Basmati Rice and Pappadams
7. Quinoa with Red Peppers served on a Bed of Rocket ( Arugula )
EIGHT of these dishes are ones I've never made before.
Will let you know how they come out and will post recipes that are FABULOUS !
What's on the menu at your house this week ???


  1. Wow, sounds yummy! From what I gather from Ally you are an amazing cook!! My menu this week...I tend not to plan, I have a very unambitious son when it comes to meals - so if I do anything different it will usually just be hubby and I eating with Miss 4 trying a few bits. I have in my mind to have a stir fry this week, Nachos, that awesome Macadamia Chicken recipe you shared (oh I love that!) and see how the week goes. Oh heck - and now I'm hungry again thinking of all this yummy food.

  2. So, I'm guessing you are a vegetarian? If I made that many recipes with no meat products my hubby may leave me. ;) Those look delish!

  3. Making a menu plan sure takes a lot of stress off of cooking, doesn't it? Do you write your plans down anywhere? I stick the current one I make on the fridge,(that helps me take the meat out of the freezer or remember to put things in the crockpot in the morning before work, or whatever early detail is necessary) but another thing I do is, after the week is over, put the finished one in a folder. When I'm dry for ideas I take out the old papers and there are always meals I forgot about but sound really yummy! (love, Mom) P.S. can I come eat at your house this week?!?

  4. Stacy,
    No ... I'm not a vegetarian. We do eat a lot of meals without meat though !!

    I do keep my menu plans ... but now, I'll have an even handier system ! I can just look on this blog and not only will the meal ideas be there, the recipes will too !!!

    You'd better hurry if you want to come eat at my house this week ! I think if you got on the plane now, you might be here for the last meal !! ha ha.

  5. I'm trolling for next week. Tomorrow is grocery day. Thanks for the ideas!


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