

What We Ate ~ Week 19 ~ 2012

My husband has had to go away for work for 10 days !  Sunday night we took the kids to the beach to get fish and chips as a bit of a going away family treat.   It was dark by the time we arrived and though there was light on the playground, it was very dim on the picnic blanket ... it was lovely, but I didn't attempt a photo !

Buffalo Boneless Chicken with Roast Potatoes, Carrots, Pumpkin, Onion and Garlic 

And I made whole wheat garlic bread sticks. I cheated though, I used my bread maker to make the dough and then just rolled them out, let them rise and baked them. Easy. And they were yummy !

Two Minute Noodles
Some days a Mama just can't cook a proper dinner !
(Did I mention my husband is out of town ?!)

Subway Sandwiches 
Sometimes it happens two days in a row ... 
and so we go out !


Saturday was the hardest day without Rory here.  During the week we are busy with school, work, sports, music lessons, etc ... But Saturdays, we are used to spending the whole day together.   I was feeling a bit like we all needed something FUN on Saturday afternoon so we rugged up (it's cooling off here in Sunny Queensland) and headed out to the sushi go round !  We had a lovely dinner, just the three of us.  We followed our sushi with big hot chocolates from the coffee shop across the bridge from the sushi shop ... to warm us up !

I'm planning a menu for this coming week ... need to be a bit more disciplined or our savings from the freezer pantry challenge will be $0 !!  Didn't do too bad this week though ...  (even with our eating out)

What I had to buy this week: 
(and how much I spent)

Butter, Organic, 250g x2 ... $8.98
Eggs, Barn Laid 12pk ... $4.00
Feta, 600g bucket ... $11.99
Chips, Salt and Vinegar, 175g ... $2.99
Chips, Red Rock Deli Sea Salt, 185g ... $3.48
M n M's, Coconut, 200g ... $3.89
Salami, 18 Slices ... $4.75
Cheese, Tasty, 500g ... $3.99
Bread Rolls, 6 ... $1.35 (ON SALE !!)
Egg Nog, 600ml ... $2.69

SUBWAY sandwiches ... $20 something
Total .... $48.11 (+ subway)

  $350 weekly budget
- $68.11 total spent this week

$281.89 saved this week !

Our pay week goes from Friday to Friday so the Sushi will come out of next weeks budget ...

1 comment:

  1. Holy bologna! Those food prices are outta control!! Or at least they made my Nicaragua-accustomed eyes nearly fall outta my head!


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