

Eating From The Pantry & Freezer Challenge Begins

Today I start the Eating From The Pantry & Freezer challenge ....  I'm pretty excited to be taking part in this.  I did take an inventory of EVERYTHING in my fridge, freezer, & pantry.  I was going to write it all out and share it with you but that was going to take a LOOOOOONG time and I decided I'd rather spend the rest of my day off finishing my book ... it was so great ... I'd recommend it to EVERYONE !  Which book ?  Read my review to find out !

But back to the challenge ... 

Here's how I've decided to do it.  Instead of telling you what I do have, I'll tell you, in my regular weekly WHAT WE ATE posts what I prepared for that week.  I will tell you, for each meal, what I had to buy and give you a total of what I spent.  I mentioned in my original post telling you about this challenge that our grocery budget is $350 a week.  I nearly died when I read in Keeper of the Home's post that she spends $450 a month !!  I always forget how much more expensive food is here in Australia !!  But, it is what it is and my goal (even though Stephanie who is hosting the challenge says we shouldn't make this our goal) is to spend as little as possible for the next four weeks.  

I have a fair bit of meat in the freezer, I have a little bit of fish, I have flours and sugars and rices and pastas.  I have spices coming out my ears.  I have a garden full of herbs.  I have a few cans of beans and tomatoes.  I have one loaf of bread in the freezer and then I'll start making my own.

Alrighty then, here we go .....


  1. I hope the pantry challenge saves you a bundle of money.

    My goal is just to get through the food we have before we harvest too much more (just froze another 3 bags of asparagus), but I'm already seeing savings in both time and money.

    I'll post the gazpacho and pumpkin slice recipes sometimes soon. They are both healty and yummy. Actually, most of our food is. :)


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