

Menu Plan Monday - Bonnie - 8 March 2010

Menu Plan Monday is hosted by Laura at I'm an Organizing Junkie

So ... today is the day. I'm through my first week in my new 'fuller time' position. And now ... I'm getting organized with online shopping. I'm planning a two week menu to get myself on track with the ordering/delivery days of my organic veggies, I've found out that my health food shop delivers (!!) and I'll do my dry goods from Coles still ... Phew. I've had to write down the days I need to plan, the days I need to put in my orders and the days they'll be delivered ! A lot of planning and organization but better than having to do a big shop on a Friday afternoon with kids who would rather be on the playground after a long week at school .... And once I get in the groove, I think it will make the grocery shopping part of my life that much easier !!

Saturday ~ 6 March
Steak on the BBQ (for Rory and the kids)
Mango Prawn Salad for me ...

Sunday ~ 7 March
Homemade Pizza
I'll do a lamb, yellow capsicum, mushroom, feta,
potato and baby spinach one ... possibly with a cream cheese base ....
I'll also do a veggie one.
And a funky lime one.
And possibly a dessert one.

Monday ~ 8 March
Ellie's Black Bean Chilli Soup
I'm going to double the recipe and freeze half.

Tuesday ~ 9 March
Crock Pot Mexican Chicken
(I'm going to substitute a can of tomatoes with some
mexican spices and a few chilis for the salsa that is filled with preservatives ...)
This makes heaps so I'll have leftovers to freeze.

Wednesday ~ 10 March

Chargrilled Salmon with Asparagus in a Lime Vinaigrette

Thursday ~ 11 March
Shepherds Pie
(this is an old favorite ... I'll post the recipe after I make it !)

Friday ~ 12 March
Homemade Pizzas again ...

it's cooling off now so we'll probably go back to regular pizza movie nights !

Saturday ~ 13 March

Possibly having people over ... will plan later.

Sunday ~ 14 March

Grilled Eggplant Moussaka

Monday ~ 15 March
Asparagus and Whole Wheat Pasta

Tuesday ~ 16 March
Mexican Cous Cous
(will have to substitute for the salsa again !)

Wednesday ~ 17 March

Eat Something out of the Freezer !!

Thursday ~ 18 March

eggs on toast ... or omelets ... or make something up
my brain is too tired to plan one more meal right now !!!

Additional ...

Lunch Ideas
Leftovers ... of course !!
Cucumber, Cream Cheese Sandwiches

I've never tried making sweets in my slow cooker but this week I'm going to try
Black Bean Slow Cooker Brownies

I'm also going to try making Jill's Granola Bars.

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