

Menu Plan Monday - Bonnie - 28 December 2009

This is my last menu plan for 2009 ! Crazy ! This year has gone so quickly ! Next year is going to be a big challenge. I was going to write my final post about 'the whole unprocessed thing' but I've spent the afternoon helping the kids re-organize their rooms to fit Christmas presents in ... plenty of furniture swapping and hanging things on walls occurred. But it's done now so that's fantastic !

Menu Plan Monday is hosted by Laura at I'm an Organizing Junkie

We've just about finished all of the Christmas goodies and I've got some recipes to post. I'm hoping to get them all posted over the next few weeks. And of course ... I'd do 'the final plan' for the year 2010 before the 1st of January. I'm excited about it ... but I'll leave that for another post ! I'm also excited about all of the new recipes that have been posted here over the last week or so. I'm hoping that you all will continue to post great recipes ... even ones that I can't eat over the next 12 months because then they will be here ... I'm not going to eat like 2010 forever ! As least not exclusively. Anyway ... I'm babbling ... let's get onto the plan !

I've got another couple of zucchini out of our garden and we've been eating them but I think I'll use the most recent one to make some zucchini bread. It should use up the last of the brown sugar and white flour and then we'll be laughing !! (that's an aussie-ism ... anyone know what it means ?) I have a great recipe that Aunt Jo sent me years ago. I'll post it when I have a photo to post along with it !

Monday - Salad Night
Green Salad w/red bell pepper, kalamata olives, tomato and onion
Baked Asparagus w/Rosemary and Walnuts
Baked Cauliflower

Tuesday - Beans Night
Mexican Cous Cous
with steamed broccoli

Wednesday - Whole Grains Night
Quinoa and Edamame Salad

Thursday - Crock Pot Night
... doing a BBQ at friends place ...

2010 - the whole unprocessed thing !

Friday - International Night
Pollo Fajitas
on Homemade Tortillas

Saturday - Fish Night
Rory's Salmon
with Honey Baked Lentils & Rice
and frozen peas (but they won't be frozen when we eat 'em)


Sunday - Big Cookup for Freezer Night
not doing a cookup this week
Going to try Jill's Spinach, Chicken, Mushroom Couscous

Snack Foods to Try Making :
Roasted Garlic Hummus
Spelt Everything Crackers

I'm also going to make Vanilla Extract !!
I'm super excited about this one !!


  1. have fun with the vanilla extract!!

    I love making homemade tortillas -- I suspect you will too.

    Blessings on your new year and your quest to go unprocessed!

  2. The Quinoa looks great! I love this blog :) So unique!

  3. I received homemade vanilla extract as a gift a few years ago and it was divine. You will love it!

  4. Glad to see you embracing the power of the Cous!

  5. What a great menu plan! Thanks so much for including my Vanilla Extract post! I can't wait until mine are ready to use! Everyone I gave them to LOVED them : ) Happy New Year!


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