

Prosciutto Pizza

You all may have noticed that we have a new addition to the beans blog ! Andrea posted her first recipe today !! I'm very excited about this !! She's always talking (on facebook) about amazing things she makes that I finally just sent her an invite and a suggestion that she post some of them here ! I think you all are going to be as glad as me that she took me up on the offer !!


And now ... the Prosciutto Pizza recipe !!

This was so yummy.
I started with a homemade pizza dough. I make mine in my breadmaker. Easy.

For the topping.
I used a few scoops of Roasted Garlic and Onion Pasta Sauce for the base.
Baby Spinach
Prosciutto, I used about 7 thin slices
Basil leaves, I used Greek Basil (from my garden) which has very small leaves
Kalamata Olives
Mozarella Cheese

Baked in a pre-heated 200 C oven for about 10/15 minutes til cheese was my desired level of brown ... and dough was cooked.



PS ... The photo in my last post was of a lamington ...


  1. oooooo, Bon, this looks crazy yummy!!

  2. Oh boy, gonna have to work this into the healthy diet!

  3. lamington never heard of it but sounds awesome!!!!

  4. Mmm... I think I might have to get myself some greek basil! Looks so cute! Does it just taste like regular sweet basil? Or more similar to thai basil?


Thanks for saying hello!