

Menu Plan Monday

AHHH! Tis the soup season. We are finally getting Fall weather and there is something mysterious in the air that makes me want to make lots of SOUP!
Monday - Honey Pork Chops With baked potatoes and greens
Tuesday -Spinach Orzo Chicken soup
Wednesday - Spaghetti
Thursday - Fireside Beef Stew - I'll take a picture and post the recipe this week
Friday - TGIF's Black Bean SoupSaturday -
Saturday - Rory's Carbonara
Sunday - Leftovers


  1. Lovin' soup season ! We are going out of it ... coming into summer ... but soon I'll be in Colorado ... back in the soup season !! I haven't tried these two soups yet but I'm planning to while we are there !!

    I'm making your black bean/sweet potato burritos tonight ! With your homemade tortilla recipe !! I'll let you know how they turn out ...

  2. I'm excited to hear that you have meal plans for when you're in Colorado! AND I can't WAIT to have fun in the kitchen with you and AK. Oh and I was thinking the other day how if you just happened to want to continue to come up with fun lunch box ideas while you're here, I'd be happy to be your guinea pig! :-) You can pack my lunch anytime you want! heheh ;-)


Thanks for saying hello!