

Kitchen Poetry


Toni over at Simple Sparrow, a blog I only discovered today through a new blog I've been reading called Such Things, is doing the coolest thing for the next week ! I'm going to participate. Maybe not every day but I'm sure going to try ! Here's an excerpt of what Toni said. Ok, ok (!) it's more than a excerpt, it's almost her whole post but to paraphrase it would not be near as eloquent ...

I'm going to start halfway through a thought, just because I can !

QUOTE .... got me thinking about the kitchen, about food, about how preparing nourishing and appealing meals shows so much love for your family. About how much the kitchen is the hub and heart of a home. Good smells, conversation, laughing, messes, cleaning-up. Little hands reaching to help, big hands stealing a taste, coming together to enjoy the fruit of your labor. It all takes place in the kitchen. So much of life happens in the kitchen.

Starting Monday the 3rd through Sunday the 9th I will be posting a photo a day of moments in my kitchen--and I would love for you to join me! The photos don't need to be only of food, oh no. Favorite dishes, pretty corners, rays of sunshine, little ones playing (for a time, Noah always brought his toys into the kitchen) If it's happening in the kitchen, it fits. I would really love to see photos that are not so much set up, but captured randomly as you go about your day. Just carry on as normal, but snap a few pics in the process. Think of it as kitchen journalism.

If you would like to join in, leave a link to your blog or flickr page here in the comments. Then we can all share in the kitchen poetry you've captured. Spread the word too!

Here's my first photo ...

PS ... I won't be posting a menu plan this week. I haven't planned a menu. Not really. I really want to eat up what's in the pantry / fridge / freezer this week so we'll see what comes of that !!


  1. garlic! a wonderful photo. Thanks so much for taking part!

  2. What a great photo...this project is so much fun and through it I have already discovered a bunch of wonderful new blogs. Cheers


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