

Menu Plan Monday - Bonnie - Edition 27

So, I did not take this photo, my brother did.
But I love it and asked him if I could post it on the beans blog.
He said yep so here it is.
It may make routine appearances.
I like it.

Here's what is on the menu this week.

Friday : Rory's carbonara

Saturday : BBQ at Eddie and Gina's place

Sunday : Rory and Jono to church sausage sizzle
Bonnie and Alia take away after gardening.

Monday : Ecuadorian Quinoa Vegetable Soup ... will post recipe this week.
Turnip and Potato Patties ... delicious ... will also post this recipe this week.

My kids raved on and on about the soup tonight !! It's really similar to the Quinoa Vegetable Soup I've already posted here but different enough to post. Both kids asked if I would send them this soup for lunch tomorrow !! HELLO !?!?! And they were serious !!

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday ... well, I haven't actually planned them yet so I'll share with you what we had last week since I hadn't really planned them last week ...

Tuesday : Rachel Ray Shrimp Pasta with Spinach Parcels and Black Olive Salad

Wednesday : LEFTOVERS

Thursday : Wonton Soup

The reason I haven't planned is because I got a big box of veggies on Saturday from an local organic farmer. I am still trying to work out what to cook !! I've got a big head of cabbage, bok choy, kale, broccolini, and carrots left ... any suggestions would be welcome ! But be quick because tomorrow is Tuesday ! ha ha.

To check out other menu plans head over to I'm An Organizing Junkie ...

AND don't forget about our Foods of the World ~ October is Pot Luck ~ any food, any country !!


  1. Yeah! You're getting organic veggies from a local farmer?!?! That's FANTASTIC! I just posted a recipe with Kale...the post also includes a VERY helpful link with recipes to use your veggies from your farm share! Let me know what you think if you try the salad, and the website!

  2. Yum!

    With the veg, I'd make a stirfry. I'm not sure of what else to do with Kale. When I have tons of veg I make stirfries, soups, curries etc. I freeze the leftovers if there are any. Better than waste!


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