

Menu Plan Monday - Bonnie Edition 21


So ... I mentioned that I would try to post everyday (or so!!) with the Eat To Live recipes that I'm making. Uh ... yeah ... it's been a week since my last post !! Here's a photo of a meal from last week. A green salad with mandarins. A spicy stir fry that I didn't like well enough to share the recipe ... not that I can remember it anyway. I made it up. And orange/fennel salad.

I made a disgusting stir fry the other night. Just in case you wanted to know. So disgusting that I opted to have a banana for dinner instead ! Rory liked the stir fry though ...

Anyway ... I will try to be more faithful in my postings ! At least for your sake, Shay !! :)

OK ... onto the menu for the week.

Quinoa Veg Soup ! YUM !!

Rory ordered us take away curry. I had a veggie one. Spinach and potato. It was nice.

That disgusting stir fry for Rory and a banana for me.

Family ~ Spaghetti from the freezer
Me ~ Baked Cauliflower and Asparagus

Thai Chicken Soup

Rory's Salmon
BBQ Steamed onion (a Jamie Oliver recipe)
BBQ veggie kebabs

Crock Pot Chicken Legs (I'll post this recipe tomorrow)
Israeli Salad

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