

Menu Plan Monday - Bonnie - Edition 16

I'm soooo excited about the salad that I'm making for dinner tonight. I almost didn't post this now but I know if I wait to take photos of the salad, I'll run out of time and it will be Tuesday before I post my menu plan MONDAY !

Chinese Take Out
(remember I had 8 visitors for the weekend ??!!)

Jamie Oliver's Spaghetti with Meatballs
This was yummy and easy.
I'll be posting a recipe at Simple Beauty soon.

Homemade Mac and Cheese
Click HERE to see the step by step of making this dish with a four year old assistant !!

Jamie Oliver's Asian Noodle Salad Adapted by Pioneer Woman
This looks soooo yummy !!
I'll be taking photos and posting the recipe here if it is indeed at good as she says/it looks !!!

Crock Pot ~ Garlic Chicken (new recipe)
Roast Cauliflower (recipe HERE)

Crock Pot ~ Chili Black Bean Stew (new recipe)

(yeah, this is hummus not black bean stew !!)

Lentil Wraps (recipe HERE)
Hummus (recipe HERE)

Yum Yum Yum !!

Can't wait to see what everyone else has on the menu this week. Ok ... maybe not everyone ! There are over 200 people who participate every week over at I'm an Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday ! That's lots of menu ideas !!


  1. Great pictures andeverything sounds so good :)

  2. I LOVE your menu! How have I not been here before?! lol
    I'm always looking for tasty healthy meals. Thank you for sharing with us.
    I'll be snatching a few of these over the next few weeks. ;)

    Have a great week!

  3. me too! those lentil wraps look like a brilliant idea!!

  4. Hi Bonnie!

    Thanks for your comment on my blog! I'm really excited to start doing MPM every week. And I will definitely check back here to see how your Asian Noodle Salad turned out. I saw it on Pioneer Woman's blog several weeks ago and I've been dying to try it!

  5. I have made the Asian Noodle Salad, from Pioneer Woman! It is sooo good!

  6. I've made Jamie Oliver's Asian Noodle Salad a couple weeks ago.

    It's as amazing as P-Dub says!


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