

A Bonnie Original

Tonight, Rory is out ... hence all the posting !!
I hate cooking dinner twice when he is out so tonight I decided
to make something that I could feed the kids earlier
and Rory and I could eat once he gets home.
I also decided I needed to do a "throw together" meal since I didn't
want to go buy anything and the meal I had planned for
tonight will be better saved for another night. It's a BBQ cooked one
and it's raining and besides that, I don't even know how to
turn the BBQ on, let alone cook on it !!
Here's what I dug out of the pantry and fridge to work with.

I had a little bit with the kids ... hey, it's a long time 'til he gets home !


Here's how I made it.
Use your own measurments.
While the pasta is boiling:
Saute garlic, onion and red onion.
Add mushrooms.
Add diced tomatoes and tomato puree.
Add basil, oregano and parsley.
Add red wine.
Add brown sugar. (just a bit)
Add kalamata olives.
Bring to the boil.
Reduce heat.
I mixed the pasta in with the sauce.
I've got asparagus, garlic and cauliflower cut up and tossed with
a bit of oil in a tupperware. When Rory get's home I'll
roast them like this to go with the pasta.
Easy. Yummy.
Mission accomplished.

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