

Tapioca Pudding

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I LOVE tapioca pudding !!  My Mom used to make it when I was a kid.  She used the tapioca pudding packs you can get in the States but I can't get them here.  I wanted to try my hand at making it.  It was easy and most of all, delicious, just like I remembered it !

Here's how I made it.

3 cups milk
1/3 cup small pearl tapioca
2 egg yolks
1/4 tsp salt
1/3 cup sugar
1 tsp pure vanilla extract

Put 1 cup of milk and the tapioca into the pan you are going to cook it in.  Let sit for one hour (no heat, you're just soaking the tapioca)  

Whisk in egg yolks, salt sugar and the other 2 cups of milk.  

Slowly bring the mixture to to a boil over medium heat.  Stir constantly.  As soon as it starts boiling (not a rolling boil, just the start of a boil!) reduce the heat and simmer til tapioca is fully cooked, maybe 20 minutes or so.  The tapioca beads will become bigger and see through and the 'custard' will become quick thick.  Taste as you go and stop when it's to your liking.  Stir in the vanilla extract.  Cool slightly and serve.


  1. Yummmm! I love tapioca pudding too, especially homemade.

  2. I will not be trying this one... but thank you.


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