

How to pop {POPCORN} in a pan

Ok ... this is a little bit embarrassing but I guess videos of yourself talking to a camera always are ! I made this AGES AGO when I had just learned this method of pop corn popping. I made it so that my friend Shay could see how easy it is !  You'll hear that I am talking to her in the video.  I thought it might be fun to post here ... this makes the best popcorn ! 

A couple of things I have tweaked since this video ... 

1.  I don't use olive oil anymore.  I use canola.  It's much lighter.  I top my daughters bowl with butter, my sons with hot sauce,  and mine I just sprinkle with salt. 

2.  I turn the heat down to medium ... I never ever have it burn anymore.  EVER.  Perfect popcorn, every time.

1 comment:

  1. I was laughing the whole time! I love this video!! And, seriously, how easy is that!! And quick!! How cool! I lug out my big official pop corn popper and it makes yummy pop corn but is a pain! Should I use my expensive cookware and chance it or not?


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