

Super Easy Salsa

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I've been trying to cook out of the pantry this week and I needed some salsa to go with our burrito bowls the other night.  I did a bit of research on line and then threw this together ...

2 x 400g (14oz) cans of tomatoes
1 small can of green chillies
1 small red onion, cut into 8chunks
whole garlic cloves, to taste
1 cup fresh coriander (cilantro) leaves
1/2 tsp cumin, more or less to taste
juice of one lime
1/4 tsp sugar

Put everything but the tomatoes and chillies into a food processor or blender.  Pulse it til it's chopped up.  Add the tomatoes and chillies and pulse til it's as smooth or chunky as you like.  That's it.  So easy.  So yummy. 

Used the leftovers in chicken chimichangas last night !

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