

Add Some Proscuitto to That !

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Remember the Silverbeet, Pink Lady and Gruyere Toasted Sandwich recipe I posted a a couple of months ago ?  Have you tried it yet ?  Well, if not ... you should try this one instead !! 

It's basically the same as the other one with some additions ... (prosciutto, shredded carrot, mushrooms and provolone cheese)

Here's what I did ...

Silverbeet, a whole big bunch (any green would be suitable!)
Shallots, finely diced
Shredded Carrot (I probably won't do this again, but it needed to be used up so I threw it in)
Mushrooms, sliced
3 or 4 slices of Prosciutto, chopped
Fuji apple, thinly sliced
Wholegrain mustard
Gruyere cheese, grated
Provolone cheese, grated
Wholewheat, grain bread

I used a whole big bunch of silverbeet.  This will seem like heaps !  It's ok.  It wilts so much !

Heat up your sandwich press.

Cut out the stems of the silverbeet and chop it up.  Sautee shallots and silverbeet (and carrots if using) in a bit of olive oil. Add prosciutto, cook to your desired crispness. 

To assemble the sandwich ... Bread, mustard, cheese, apple, mushrooms silverbeet, cheese, mustard and bread.  (The last recipe had a drizzle of olive oil and salt on the outside of the bread. I didn't bother with that last time and there was no difference in taste !)

Put in sandwich press and cook until desired toasty-ness of bread and melty-ness of cheese has been achieved.

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