

What We Ate ~ Week 10 ~ 2012

Welcome to a week of super easy meals !
(Except for Sunday night)

Stacked Roasted Vegetable Enchiladas

I made a couple of changes ... I used flour tortillas. And I added potato. Other than that, I pretty much followed the recipe. I topped with greek yoghurt and spring onions.

Asian Chicken Salad (yeah, I know we just had it last week ! but I still had half a cabbage that needed using .... ) I served it with some store bought potato salad, because Rory finds this doesn't fill him up.

So, last week when I made onigiri with mince, I had too much mince (ground beef) so I froze half of it once it was cooked but before I added all the bits for the onigiri. This week, I decided to use that for a quick and easy dinner. I stirred 3/4 of a jar of salsa (that I found in the back of the fridge!) through the mince and then heated it up. I chopped avocado, lettuce, black olives, red onion, and tomato. Shredded some cheese, and served with flour tortillas. Easy. Yummy.

Make your own toasted sandwich night. I just put out the ingredients. Ham, cheese, dill pickle slices, tomato slices, mayo, mustard ... We each made a sandwich to our own liking and toasted it in the sandwich press. Served with a small bag of chips.

Two minute noodles. Cheap. Easy. Unhealthy. Tasty.

Hot dogs with finely diced red onion, finely diced dill pickle, ketchup, mustard and sauerkraut.

Rory's carbonara, store bought garlic bread and black olive salad.

I'm hoping to get back into posting recipes regularly ! We're coming to the close of our busiest month of the year ! WOO HOO !! I've got two recipes coming your way this week ... for sure ... I've already written them and scheduled them to post over the next few days, so watch out for those !

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