

Menu Plan Monday - Bonnie - 6 September 2010


Menu Plan Monday is hosted by Laura at I'm an Organizing Junkie

I've totally spaced posting this menu plan for two weeks in a row !
I did actually write it two weeks ago but then didn't post it ... ooooops !

Saturday ~ 4 Sep
Alia is going to make pizza ....
2 x Rosemary Chicken
1 x Ruth's Rosemary Potato
1 x Plain Cheese

Sunday ~ 5 Sep
Cheese and Burger Time Again
Rory's going to make us The Pioneer

Monday ~ 6 Sep

Chicken Fajitas
Homemade Tortillas

Tuesday ~ 7 Sep
I've been craving this Baby Pea Salad but haven't been able to
make it since I hadn't been able to find a balsamic vinegar that didn't have coloring in it.
BUT ... I found one on the weekend bit the bullet and paid the $30 to buy it !

I was also thinking about running out to the store to get the ingredients to
make Tuna Mac as I planned this menu. Must be about time to make it again too ...
It appears, as I try to link to the recipe, that I haven't posted it here !
I will rectify that ... tuna mac is a recipe everyone needs to have !!

Wednesday ~ 8 Sep

Andrea's Ajiaco Soup with my modifications.

That's as far as I got with the planning ....

Hope you all have a great week !! I have some great recipes to post ... I hope to post some of them here in the next couple of days !! I've been a bit of a lazy blogger lately ... sorry !! :)

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