

The most amazing {caesar} salad


We saw this amazing Donna Hay Caesar Salad on Masterchef the other night.
We've had it three times since ! It is amazing !! You will never taste bacon so good !

It is simple to make too ... if you want to watch the video of Donna on Masterchef, click on the link above, go to the Masterclass section and search Donna Hay. You'll find it. She's got some good tips.

Here's how I did ours ... only a tiny bit different.

Bacon ~ enough for each salad to have 2 pieces ~ coat with pure maple syrup ~ throw into pre- heated oven on 160C for 15 - 20 minutes
Soft boiled eggs ~ one for each salad
1/2 a BABY cos lettuce per salad
Garlic bagel crisps ~ in place of croutons
Block of parmesan cheese

For the dressing ~ put the following into the container you use your stick blender in :
1 room temperature egg
2 teaspoons capers
1/2 teaspoon worchestershire sauce
1 teaspoon lemon juice
3/4 cup canola oil

Mix with stick blender til mayo consistency.
Add water a teaspoon or so at a time and stir to make the dressing a buttermilk consistency ...

To assemble ... cos lettuce on plate, top with dressing, add bagel crisps, bacon, egg to plate. Grate parmesan cheese over whole salad. Sooooooooo yum.


We served this with Rory's carbonara ... using homemade pasta.


Rory also made up this tangy mushroom pasta !.
I'm sure he doesn't remember the recipe ... he never does.


  1. Wow, this looks so yummy, we shall be trying it before long I hope! And with soft boiled eggs, to boot!I don't remember your eating them as a trait from your childhood!

  2. Well, I tried that poached egg and liked it ... and then had another poached and liked it. I really like to try recipes as close to their original state the first time I make them so I tried this with a soft boiled egg the first time I made it and LIKED it !! So ... for sure not a trait from my childhood but it appears something I have acquired a taste for !


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