

Menu Plan Monday ~ Bonnie ~ 12 July 2010


Menu Plan Monday is hosted by Laura at I'm an Organizing Junkie

I totally don't have a menu planned this week. I hate it when that happens. I'm getting up early to watch Spain win the World Cup ... maybe I'll get to looking through some cookbooks and get something planned. We'll see. If I do, I'll come back and post it. But I might not too ... Rory and I both took the day off and if the weather is nice we're going to take the kids up to Noosa for the day. Can't wait !

Edited Wed July 14th ... I did actually end up planning a menu this week. Here it is ...

Sunday ~ Alia's Night
Pastina in Brodo


Roasted Cauliflower


Fruit Salad for Dessert

She thought up, chose the fruit for, and cut up this entire fruit salad (minus the segmented orange) totally on her own !! She left the apple bits out because she likes red and Jono likes green and Rory and I like both. She added to apple to individual bowls when she served dessert !


We were going to have Tapas ~ in honor of SPAIN's WORLD CUP WIN ! but we had a late lunch and were not hungry so ended up having cereal for dinner !


Roast Vegetable Frittata turned Roast Vegetable Scrambled Eggs !
I'll tell you all about it when I post the recipe.


Steak w/Jamie Oliver's "dressed board"
Julia Child's Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Simple Salad w/Donna Hay's homemade Ranch dressing

Oops ... the spot for Thursday is blank.

Friday ~ Jono's Night
Butter Chicken
Saffron Rice

Saturday ~ Rory's Night
He is making us Cheese and Burger's #13 ~ The Roadhouse ~ Looks Goooooood !


  1. Tapas on Thursday? And give diplomatic Alia a hug from her Nanny who loves that she was thinking of everyone at dessert! And a hug to international Jono for planning an Indian meal. And a hug to Rory for thinking to make most excellent burgers. And have everyone give you a hug because the frittata didn't turn out as expected!

  2. That might be a plan ... except that I didn't shop for the Monday tapas because by the time I was shopping I knew we wouldn't be eating them that night ! And I thought I had planned every other night. I might could still pull it off except that I'm keeping a friends kids after school for a bit and I don't fancy taking them and my two into the grocery store ! Nope ... don't fancy it one bit !


Thanks for saying hello!