

Steak Cobb Salad

So I saw this recipe on the Rachael Ray Show last week and HAD to have it. Immediately!

Here is her recipe. I changed mine up a bit to fancy our tastes.

For the Steak
  • 4 small strip steaks, 8-10 oz. (We used 1 steak about 10oz for the 2 of us and it was a NY sirloin steak)
  • 2 limes for zest and juicing 
  • 1/3 cup cilantro, chopped

For the Salad dressing 
  • 1 shallot, grated
  • 1 clove garlic, grated
  • 1 tablespoon mustard. (RR said to use Dijon. I didn't have so I used Horseradish mustard)
  • 1 tablespoon Wocestershire sauce
  • 1 teaspoon tomato paste
  • 1 tablespoon warm water
  • 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
  • 1/2 cup of olive oil
  • Salt and Pepper
 For the Salad

  •  2 head of lettuce (we used only one for the two of us eating...and it was romaine)
  • 1 small bundle of watercres leaves (I actually had bought some of this the day before for our miso soup so I was happy to have it for the salad!)
  • 1/2 cup feta cheese crumbles (RR used blue cheese)
  • 2 medium size tomatoes, diced
  • 4 hard boiled eggs, sliced
  • 2 avocados, sliced

Prepare the Dressing

Grate shallot and garlic into a bowl. Add mustard, Worcestershire sauce, tomato paste and warm water. Whisk. Add vinegar and pour in olive oil while you whisk it. Taste. Add salt and fresh pepper to taste.

Combine lettuces in a bowl with dressing. Toss.

 Prepare the Steak

Bring steak to room temperature and season with salt and pepper, garlic salt.
Heat outdoor grill and when ready to eat dress meat with a drizzle of olive oil and cook to your preference.

Let the meat rest while you smash up cilantro and zest of 2 limes and juice of 1 lime. Slice steak thinly and rub cilantro lime mixture onto the meat. Also, you can drizzle a tad more olive oil and salt on if need be.

Bring it all together

Arrange dressed salad on individual plates with steak down the middle. Place tomatoes, boiled egg slices, feta and sliced avocados (squeeze fresh lemon or lime juice on them to keep from browning) around the steak.


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