

Menu Plan Monday - Bonnie - 24 May 2010

Menu Plan Monday is hosted by Laura at I'm an Organizing Junkie

Rory said to me last night that he has been pretty bad about staying unprocessed lately ... due to lack of preparation ~ which is mostly my fault ~ I haven't been sending him big enough lunches. I plan to fix that this week and get us back on the wagon ! Not that we've strayed too far ... but I've noticed myself, here and there, eating things that I shouldn't. But ... this is not something that I'm willing to feel guilty about ... we're just going to move forward from here !! That's life, right ?


We're going to try another cheese & burger society burger tonight.
#16 ~ The Camelot
I'm going to make these Brioche Rolls
(with some obvious unprocessed substitutions)
I'll let you know how they turn out.
I'll try my hand at caramelizing onions for the first time ...
And I made some mayo last night that I'll add some dijon to for the dijon mayonnaise.
I took a video of the EASY mayo process but can't get it to upload.
Will keep working on that.


We've got friends coming over for lunch
I'm going to make Black bean chili soup !
OH YUM !!!

And for dinner ...

We're going to try something from this amazing site that I discovered last night !
Maple Apple Cheddar Melt with roasted Cauliflower and Broccoli.



I'm feeling like pizza ... but not any old pizza ... FUNKY LIME PIZZA !!


We're having a pot luck dinner with our home group ... here at our house ...
I'm going to make ... Spanikopita Meatballs ! (A FAMILY FAVORITE !!)



Homemade Mac and Cheese
I've done an unprocessed version (pictured) of this but need to tweak it.
I'll do that this week and then post the recipe for you !


We didn't end up having this last week ... in a string of KITCHEN FAILS ... I left the
preservative free meat
in the fridge one too many days and got a big whiff of narsty
when I opened the plastic to cut the meat ...
I'll give it another whirl this week, hopefully me string of fails is behind me !!

Andrea's Red Wine Stew


I'm not going to plan Friday today ...
I never know what we will do on Friday night until Friday afternoon !!

I'm going to try making Jill's Granola Bars for lunches this week !


  1. your poor meat!! that's awful!! more like your poor nose and pocketbook!

    is the homemade mac and cheese your mom's recipe? ellie has made that lots and it is SO tasty!

  2. The cheese & burger society is a great idea. The brioche rolls make it really unique!


Thanks for saying hello!