

Frozen Whole Wheat Tortillas ~ The Verdict

The kids tried the frozen tortillas tonight ! I made Mexican Chicken Quesadillas ! I'll post the (very simple) recipe soon !!

But for now ...

I wanted to find out what the kids thought of the tortillas. I didn't want rehearsed (you may think it is rehearsed when you listen to it ... but I PROMISE it isn't !) answers from them, I just told them to answer my questions ... and they did. Jono got all shy (and soft spoken) because I told them it was going on the blog ... and Alia got silly ... because the camera was on !

Sorry the video is sideways ... I totally spaced it until I was already mostly done recording. I thought about doing it again but then the answers would have been rehearsed and I didn't want that ! I hope you can just deal. Turn your head sideways ... or your computer monitor !! :)

Without further ado ... from the mouths of my babes ... the 'verdict' ...

Edited to add ...

On 24 June linked to Food on the Table's "No Whine Wednesday"

Here's the Chicken Quesadilla Recipe.

And the Whole Wheat Flour Tortilla Recipe.


Thanks for saying hello!