

Menu Plan Monday - Khrista 02.15.10

We recently moved from Alaska to Texas and are steadily getting settled into our new home.
After living in a few hotels for 2 weeks and eating out A LOT, we are SO ready to eat at home again!

Here's the plan for this week:

Monday - Wild Rice & Celery Root Soup with Hillbilly Bread (LOVE this soup, and I'll share the bread recipe soon! It's THE BEST!!!)
Tuesday - Zucchini Ankara
Wednesday - Sweet Pepper Pasta Toss with Kale
Thursday - Black Bean & Sweet Potato Chili with Cornbread (new recipe from the magazine on newstands now:, great site too!
Friday - Pizza Night (I will be trying Bonnie's Whole Wheat Pizza Dough recipe)
Saturday - Vegetable Lasagna 

I will try to share the recipes that do not have links soon!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you are back !!! Hooray ! Can't wait to see what yummy stuff you cook with Texas ingredients !!


Thanks for saying hello!