

The Definitive Mayo Recipe

This mayonnaise recipe, which lost the throwdown, but is still a winner, is modified from one given to this blog by Arabian Knits. It uses a stick blender instead of a regular blender (or a whisk and tons of elbow grease). It's so simple, easy, and quick, you may never need to buy store-bought mayonnaise again!

(yields 1 cup)

In a glass jar that is wide enough for the blender to fit through put, in this order:

1 egg, room temperature (we ran the egg under warm water to take the refrigerator chill off it)
1 1/2 tsp. Fresh lemon juice
1/4 tsp. salt
3/4 cup light oil (we used canola, but any oil will do, just use what you like/have on hand!)

The original recipe called for ground mustard. It added a taste we weren't really going for, so omitted it in the second batch. However, if you're looking to make a Japanese style mayo, use the mustard and substitute rice vinegar for the lemon juice.

With the stick blender OFF, put it down to the bottom of the jar. Then start it and, rocking side to side, slowly pull it up to the top. Continue pushing it back to the bottom and up to the top SLOWLY, until you reach the desired consistency, about 20-30 seconds.

Make the basic mayo recipe. Add in 4 pressed cloves of raw garlic (more or less, to taste). Let sit for a while, the garlic flavor will intensify.


  1. ok ... i'm so going to try this ! as soon as i get a stick blender ... which will be soon !!

  2. What a fun throwdown that was! Just a couple of points of clarification. The jar you see mine in is the one I used to make the mayo in. First we made the exact recipe from the link that Jill told about in the throwdown post, but could taste the mustard more than I preferred. We did it that way because I always follow a recipe exactly the first time. Jill and I were not certain that you could leave the mustard out, we wondered if a property of the mustard was crucial to the setting up of the mayo. Since we had invested all of 30 seconds into the first recipe, we decided to try it again without the mustard. I put the first recipe in a bowl and used the jar to try again. SUCCESS without the mustard! I now had 2 batches of mayonaise. So I stirred them together. This filled the jar to the top as you see in the photo. There are 4 cloves of garlic in this double batch, and I find it plenty zingy of garlic. It was so yummy we had to make Spanish tortilla for dinner to eat with it! I also steamed some fresh broccoli and fresh brussels sprouts that were stupendous with the aioli!


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