

Almond Covered Date Balls

The other day we were at the check out of one of my favorite shops ... not a humongo supermarket ... and Jono saw a box of date/almond balls. They looked good to him and he asked if we could buy them. I looked at the price and nearly choked when it read $12.99, especially when the ingredients read: dates, almonds. Needless to say, we did not let ourselves be robbed along the highway ... instead, we went home and made these little beauties ourselves !

It was so simple ! All you need is dried dates and some almonds. Just process the dates til they form a ball. The kids thought this was hilarious. Rory and I thought it looked like something that should not be eaten. Ever. Pull that ball out and process the almonds. Then, put your kids to work. Have them roll the date balls and then cover them in almonds. That's it ! Easy. And they are yum. And sweet !

... very sweet !! A perfect little treat !!


  1. Easier still is to buy regular dates and shove a whole almond where the pit used to be! We regularly make those when we need a dish to bring to a Jewish holiday celebration. They are super yum!

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  3. I've been told stuffing dates with peanut butter is good too. We're going to try that soon ! And maybe I'll try your whole almond shoving trick too Jill !!

  4. One big difference I see is that almonds in dates is EASY PEASY and getting peanut butter into dates sounds MESSY BESSY! I'd maybe think about slitting the date open, spreading it with PB, then folding it shut again, were I more fond of PB, and were the other recipe not so so simple (and yummy!)!

  5. You should definitely try the almond stuffed dates. So easy. So yummy. GREAT quick snack that is crunchy and sweet. I've been keeping a jar of dates and a jar of almonds at my desk for a midafternoon snack. YUM!

  6. I have to agree. The almond-stuffed dates are tasty.

  7. OK OK !! I'll try the tasty almond-stuffed dates !! :)

  8. YEA!!!! Welcome to the dark will never go back!


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