

Perfect Crackery Crackers !

I got this recipe from Smitten Kitchen. They were so easy. Delicious !

And I'm so excited at the possibilities that cracker making brings for 2010 and the whole unprocessed thing !

Most of this I'm just copying and pasting from her instructions but there is one major difference ... she used white and I went with the whole wheat spelt flour.

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 &1/2 cups whole wheat spelt flour

Stuff to put on top. I used sea salt, dried onion bits, flax seeds, toasted sesame seeds and mustard seeds on these ones ! I am excited to try lots and lots of variations. In fact, we're taking these to a New Years Eve party tonight and I'm going to try two different toppings ... I'll let you know how those go !

1. Preheat the oven to 350 F / 180 C degrees. Dissolve the salt in 1/2 cup of cold water. Stir in the spelt flour until combined. Knead the dough a few turns until a ball forms.

2. Flour an overturned (as in ... UPSIDE DOWN) 12-by-17-inch cookie sheet and roll out the dough on top of it, using as much flour as needed to prevent sticking, until the dough covers the sheet from edge to edge. Do your best to get them as thin as possible, because the thicker parts become quite hard when baked. Using a spray bottle filled with water, spray the dough to give it a glossy finish. Prick the dough all over with a fork. If you choose, sprinkle with sea salt or seeds. For neat crackers, score the dough into grids. ( I scored mine !)

3. Bake until the dough is crisp and golden and snaps apart, 15 to 25 minutes. (Check after 10 minutes to make sure it does not overcook.) Break into pieces and serve.

Go check out this video if you aren't convinced at how easy these are ...

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