

Hummus {of the} Roasted Garlic Variety

I got this yummy recipe from The Urban Spork
I served it with The Perfect Crackery Crackers that I made too !!
Tonight I'm going to take this, and some more crackers and carrot sticks to a party.

I mostly stuck to the recipe this time ... I never use the same amount of oil though, I always combine steps and I didn't do any garnishes. Here's how I did mine ...

1 whole head of garlic
olive oil
1 can chickpeas (garbanzo beans)
2 tablespoons tahini
juice of 1/2 a lemon
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp salt

Preheat oven to 305F/180C

Cut the head of garlic in half and set in a piece of foil. Drizzle olive oil over the halves and fold the foil over the top. Roast in the oven til cloves are soft. And golden brown. And smell delicious. Like ... you want to eat it and just forget about the whole hummus sort of delicious ! It takes about 30/45 minutes to get to that point.

Squeeze the garlic out of it's skin.

Stick everything into a food processor. Process. It it's not smooth enough, add a bit of the juice from the chickpeas to thin it out ...

Now ... every hummus recipe I've ever read says to drizzle olive oil over the top ... and lots of it. I never have. Probably never will. I don't think it needs it. But ... you can make your own decision !!


  1. I agree, it's totally superfluous to add the oil on top.
    Have you tried topping it with toasted pine nuts instead? It's pretty good.

  2. Sounds great.
    I added this to my garlic post at


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